Rescue Journal was a total of 2 hours...

Carol  ·  May 20, 2010

but that included a trip over to the hospital for an xray. because of the swelling and hard lump where my hardware is... the doc said it could be as simple as the pins and plate are irritating the area and need to come out or it could be another small fracture if the screws displaced and damaged the bone or it could be an infection inside the bone. if the xray is inconclusive, he will send me for a bone scan but unless it is just an arthritis setting in, it probably means another surgery one way or another.

oh i pray for an onging and chronic arthritis or do i pray for another surgeryto fix whatever again? this would be why breaking bones in middle age sucks. after three years of relatively happy healing, my ankle ain't so happy anymore.

i am taking hope into the vets in a few minutes to have her eye checked out and see what sarah recommends. i am also taking monty who is hiding and afraid to eat again. that mouth of his is becoming a real problem....i think we will have to do one last steroid injection to get him eating again...and then send him in for full dental extractions. it worked for panda bear for a few years and he was FIV too. hopefully it will work for monty because no cat should ever be afraid of something as simple as food.

i came home from the hospital and slept with the bed buddies for a couple of hours...they were pretty happy about that. when i got up my ankle felt pretty good til i started walking on it again.

maybe i could just become a permanently disabled bed buddy and hang out in bed every day? there is a thought for a quieter and easier life...oops sorry, i am crippled and can not get out of bed!

i will just keep that thought in my inside head because i already called work and said i had my xray and am coming back in tomorrow...who goes back to work after a sick day on a friday? i could have had 2 days in bed. duh!!!



I do hope you're ankle is okay. I sympathize cause I broke mine almost 2 years to the day and was on crutches with only 2 dogs running around under my feet. Then I had 8 months of physio cause I tore everything. It's time to take care of yourself too!!!!