just a reminder about the sponsoring of a table for the saints fall fundraiser...
Carol · Jun 2, 2010
sponsoring the cost of a table (venue, catering, printing, center peices, linens, dishes,..$200 per table) by a group or a business means the cost of the event goes down for us and more of the money that is brought in by the event can go directly to our vet accounts. folks who are too far away to attend can get a group of friends or their employers together to sponsor one of the tables dedicated to an animal of their choice...this helps all of the animals at saints. toss the idea around at work and with your friends and family...who knows?..if 20 people all chip in 10 bucks or 10 people chip in 20 bucks, or 40 people chip in 5 bucks, or even 200 people chip in 1 buck each...... another table for saints gets sponsored!
hey..some of the blog readers could ban together and create a blog sponsor table. it is all about using our imaginations and pooling our pennies together to meet a goal for the animals at saints!
i can spare 10 bucks for a blog sponsored table...anyone able to join me???
we all love these guys, but love ain't enough to keep them happy and well. if we do not get some serious money down on our vet accounts, everyone here is going to be in big trouble.
leila is going to re-post the poster for me so folks can print them off and spread them around.
Wow within less than 24 hours we have had a great response and now in whole or part 19 out of 19 tables are sponsored!! INCREDIBLE. You are the best blog readers ever! There are some tables which need some more contributions so if you or your friends still want in just say so in the comments. Due to popular demand we have taken away a limit on the table amount .... so you can contribute to your heart's content. The Table "anima(s)" are not set in stone so get creative, negotiate with your fellow co-sponsors to get an animal you want in the table or to combine some table ... have fun! (Jenn).
1. The Rock will host a table all ."THE BLOG TABLE" each of the following are chipping in $10-Carol, Hillevi, Amy D., Juls, Spot Family: Lynne, Scott Sophie, Max, Spot, Louise Z.; Amy ?, Louise ?, Brenda, and Charlotte. Barbra T (a self professed blog-addict) is throwing in $40.00. Total: $200
2. The other FeLV cats (Mama T, Brianne, Louise and Miranda, and Murray) will host their own table.Each of the following are donating ... Louise, Amy D. and Hillevi $10.00 each and Kim $20.00. Helga is putting in $100 for her favorite saints kittes. Leslie wants to contribute to any table that needs more funds so with that easy going attitude she is should sponsor these easy going sweeties for $20. Total $170
3. Our 19 year old puppy "Little Miss Molly" will be there. Thanks to Mauro Salles who is in for $200.
4. Allister our 15 year old fence jumping farm dog will have his very own table. Thanks to our great saints foster family--Dawn and Hanna with $200
5. Giddeon gentle white knightand oldest saint at 35 is brought to the Gala event goers by Lory who is contributing the $200 because Giddeon wanted it so.
6. There will be a Memorial Tablewith Suzanne donating $65 on behalf of her 13 darlings who have crossed the rainbow bridge, Barbra T. sending $45 in memory of her 3 seniors pets who have also passed away. Karen would like to contribute $30 in memory of saints Buddy and Sissy. Because she misses the little buggar--Lynne with $50 in memory of former sains Copper. Total $190
7. The Goatsare gonna get a table: Chewie, Gilbert, Pete, and Edith thanks to the former saint Merridith and her family (Cheryl and Stef) who will put in $100 .
8. Mo (and her Family?) are making sure the Piggies have a table (Ellie, Herman and Tuni) with $180 Cheryl is putting in $20 towards this table. Total:$200
9. Annette Durante from JRFM (our MC from last year and our MC for this year again) is going to sponsor a table $200 ... for whom though?
10. Sheila and Leila are in for a table $200 ... for?
11. The "meanest" cat at saints ... our trailer park king Frodowill be at the gala in spirit with the help of Xine (for her Emmakat) --$100, her co-worker Donna $20; and Jenn H. $20. Total: $140
12. Sierra Distributions and Kathy Kelm will buy a table $200... for ?saint(s)
13. Lana the owner of Shake-a-Paw would like to buy a table for the diabetics: Angel, Casper, Dusty, Griffin ... and with her $100 Laura brings Lucky and ... their friend Reggie for the for the BLIND SAINTS +1 Reggie Table. Total $300
14. The crazy Kodi bear will be there in part thanks to his greatest fans--Anne and Tony who will put in $100 and Colleen Bridges is in with $100 and to bring the bed buddies to this table for "Kodi and the Bed Buddies Table"... Total: $200
15. Former saints Shrek and Fionna (from LA) would like to sponsor their LA sista Jenny, their mom Nicole will write the cheque for $200 and Colleen Bridges(Larry's new fosta mama) would like to give $100 to have the other LA lady Lola and obviously unhairy Larry and former sainstf from LA Bridgette, abe, Fluke (and Shrek and Fi) all equal the
LA SAINTS CREW TABLE (past and present). Total $300
16. The Bunnies will need a table tooso Louise z. will contribute $20 towads a bunny table $20
17. The Medical Room(aka shy guy room) today includes: the cats--Bobby Brown, Cali, Lilith, Sidney, Charlie, and Ruby ... as well as the dogs: Doris and Yoshi). Pam and Tannis are each throwing in $10. Louise Z is in for $40 towards that table. Kim is in it for Doris and Yoshi with $20 and Tammy is team cat with $140. Total $220
18. Dixie Chickour feral Carol-hating furball is gonna be there for all the wild souls out there as per Cathie K. with $200
19. Angela calls dib on a table to be decided later by her, she can do that because she is sending in $200
(post your offers/suggestions in the comments and I--Jenn--will summarize here for others to look and shop around with)
KO wants to give saints $50 if the Ducks and the Chickens can have a table ... how about Rock join his friends the FeLV cats (so far one blog contributor is ok with this) OR look the Bunny Table could use some more money ... maybe they could unite and create an "anti-easter day" table.
**ATTENTION TAMMY RE: The Pheobe has no table conspiracy
oh now TAMMY is quite desperate to get a certain Red Whirling Wonder at a table ..
here are 4 options I present:
1. change the table to a table for KODI and PHEOBE … perhaps a MISFITS or MISUNDERSTOOD table or
2. as I personally have seen pheobe on the bed once (and have a picture to prove it … in fact. Here look I put one on a recent blog post http://www.saintsrescue.ca/wordpress/?p=7636. (Kodi and her were arguing about it) … can pheobe be with Kodi and the bed buddies? Kodi's Bed Buddies and a Pheobe Table
3. Pheobe could join Frodo's table in some way ... hmmm he is the meanest cat and she is the meanest dog ... YES it is the MEAN but we love 'em table... although lana thinks that they could be joined together by an affinity for the same food. I eat Frodo's food table
4. Pheobe could join Al's table .. It could be the We don't like eachother but we like Tammy table or the Tammy plays ball with us table.
**HINT** if you really, really want a table for someone special Sheila (our event chair) still has not choosen her animal host ... but knowing her as a pro saints fundraiser ... she can easily be swayed by your cheque books. Perhaps your dollars could make her see the cents ... i mean sense of having your favorite for her table.
Mauro is looking for company for her "Little Miss Molly" table ... what about an OLDest ancient SAINTS table: Molly (the oldest dog at 19) .. Gideon could come over here (if Lory ... I mean if he wanted to) ... we could add Stripe (oldest cat at 23) ... some suggestions
Carol thinks we should have a pain in the ass table which would include: kodi, perdy, jesse, phoebe, reggie, esther, JOEY, the pissing fruit loop bastards, CONAN the dryer hose wrecking BARBARIAN cat, sidney (the pinky and the brain little innocent looking monster bunny) and squirt who pees on all the other dogs! Colleen B thinks JOEY should not be on this list ... he should be on a table for the CUTE DOGS ... and maybe Tammy could get phebs at that table ... if it existed. oooo snap. ... and Jerry is a given for any meany or pain in the ass table
Cathie K--founder of the Dixie Chick Table ... is willing to let any saint join who embodie's Dixie's wild spirit ...
FYI Pheobe says: I should get my own table because you put me in this stoopid cheetah coat ... no but seriously I should be in on a BEEN AT SAINTS 5 years + table .. hello permanent sanctuary dog here ... who is tableless. Shame on you!
Jenn . . . no kidding; but each and every one of them make our SAINTS experience what it is and they should all be honored.