Due to the over 100 comments on the original table post ... I have summerized the current table standings and re-org here. Please use this post for new comments re: table changes and corrections. EACH GROUP WILL NAME THEIR TABLES.
1. FeLV Table (name to be decided) aka "THE BLOG TABLE” will bring the Rock, Mama T, Brianne, Louise, Miranda, and Murray to the event. $10.00 each: Carol, Amy ?, Louise Z. , Pam and Charlotte. $20.00 each: Kim, Leslie, Hillevi, Amy D., Brenda, Juls, Louise. $40.00 donation: Barbra T. $50.00 donation: Spot's Family: Lynne, Scott,Sophie, Max, Spot. $100.00 donation: Helga. Total: $380.00 (is that right? this one is the most confusing because we merged two tables by uniting the Rock with his FeLV friends).
2. Golden Oldies Table (name to still pending). Our 19 year old puppy “Little Miss Molly” will be there thanks to Mauro Salles who is in for $200. " Giddeon the gentle white knight" who is the oldest saint at 35 is brought to the Gala event by Lory who is contributing $200 because Giddeon wanted it so. Stripe will also be at this table because by golly she is 23 so Laura puts in $30 for her!!! Total: $430
3. Farm Dog Table (name pending) Allister our 15 year old fence jumping farm dog will have his very own table. Thanks to our great saints foster family–Dawn and Hanna. Total: $200
4. Memorial Table (Suggested names: Somewhere over the rainbow, or Lest we forget, or gone but not forgotten) with Suzanne donating $65 on behalf of her 13 darlings who have crossed the rainbow bridge, Barbra T. sending $45 in memory of her 3 seniors pets who have also passed away. Karen would like to contribute $30 in memory of saints Buddy and Sissy. Because she misses the little buggar–Lynne with $50 in memory of former saints Copper, $10 in honor of Jewel, $10 for Lucas and $10 for Champ, who she misses walking . Donna Brearley would like to contribute $30.00 to the Memorial Table in honour of Bill, Cole, Dexter, Michael, Tom, Lady Jane and Daphne (aka Daffy Duck--cocker spaniel).Total $250
5. The Grazers Table (name pending). The Goats are gonna be at this table: Chewie, Gilbert, Pete, and Edith thanks to the former saint Merridith Stirling and her family (Cheryl and Stef) who will put in $100 . The "big dogs" --cows (Percy, Emily, and Joy) and Carl and his sheep (Annie and Elizabeth) will also be at this table with Helga putting in $20.00. Colleen D. is puting in $50.00 for dear friends Lehanie and Czar to join this table. Laura with $30 wants to bring Bailey to the table (although in reality he would eat them) ... um are you sure Laura??? I think he should stay at the p in the a table . Total $200
6. Piggy Table (name pending) Mo (and her Family?) are making sure the Piggies have a table (Ellie, Herman and Tuni) with $180 Cheryl is putting in $20 towards this table. Total:$200
7. Magnificent MC table (table animal and name pending). Annette Durante from JRFM (our MC from last year and our MC for this year again) is going to sponsor a table $200.
8. The Kullar Table (table animal and name pending). Sheila and Leila Kullar are in for a table. Total: $200
9. Meany Table (name pending). The “meanest” cat at saints … our trailer park king Frodo will be at the gala in spirit with the help of Xine (for her Emmakat) –$100, her co-worker Donna $20, Jenn H. $20, and Tammy for $60 for her car cuddle buddy. Total: $200
10. Sierra Distributions Table (name and animal pending) Sierra Distributions and Kathy Kelm will buy a table. Total: $200.
11. Sugar & Spice Table. Lana the owner of Shake-A-Paw Pet Services would like to buy a table for our sugar0handicapped diabetics: Angel, Casper, Dusty, Griffin … and with her $100 Laura brings our spicey blind gal Lucky (aka Cinnamon) and … their friend Reggie (Mr. Pepper)too. Total $300
12. The Dog House Table (name pending). Kodi bear will be there in part thanks to his greatest fans–Anne and Tony who will put in $100 and Colleen Bridges is in with $100 to bring the bed buddies who are not at other tables (Prudence, Jerry, Shadow, Peluchie, Joey, Merry) to this table and Erin is making sure lil big bud is there with $50. The company J Bond and Sons is giving a corporate donation of $250 to bring any house dog who is table-less to this special inclusive table (Jesse, Squirt, Max and Mandy). Total: $500
13. LA SAINTS Crew Table (past and present) (name pending). Former saints Shrek and Fionna (from LA) would like to sponsor their LA sista Jenny, their mom Nicole will write the cheque for $200 and Colleen Bridges (Larry’s new fosta mama) would like to give $100 to have the other LA lady Lola and obviously unhairy Larry and former sainstf from LA Bridgette, Abe, Fluke (and Shrek and Fi). Total $300
14. The Feathered and Fuzzy Friends Table. Kathy O. (aka Mamma Duck) $125 for the fab. farm feathers and $40 for the Ducks from Laura for "Mama Duck" and Louise Z. and Sheryl will each contribute $20 for the 13 lucky bunnies. Meghann is sponsoring the bunnies at this table with $50. Matthew has invited the Budgies and Cockatiels with $20. Total: $275
15. The Medical Room (aka shy guy room) Table (name pending) today includes the cat: Bobby Brown, Cali, Lilith, Sidney, Charlie, and Peanut … as well as the dogs: Doris and Yoshi). Tannis is throwing in $10. Louise Z is in for $40 towards that table. Kim is in it for Doris and Yoshi with $20 and Tammy is team cat with $140. Total $210
16.The Wild Ones Table (name pending). Dixie Chick our feral Carol-hating furball is gonna be there for all the wild souls out there as per Cathie K. with $200 and because Andy (our puppy mill survior) also hates humans Barbra T. bring him to the table for Keavy with $40. Total: $240.
17. The Gumption Table (name and animals pending) and will include 13 year old Bibi who ran up a mountain, Esther who sings for her food, and Tula who is a carb junkie and steals Carol's egg rolls, toast and pizza. Pet Friendly Canada is sponsoring a corporate table thanks to Angela with $200 and Lynne is in for $20 for Bibi in particular, Donna Bearley thinks Daphne should be here and she is oozing with gumption and she runs around SAINTS like she ownes the place, so $20 towards the table. Total: $240.
18. Guardian Angel Table/ Godparents of Saints (name and animal pending). Maggie $200 and Barbra T. $200. Total: $400.
19. Pain in the Arse Table (Pheobe, Jessie, Perdy, Jerry ... and who else?). Emma is all over this table with $200. Diane Z. is thowing in $50 because her dog is a pain in the ass too. And of course Tammy is putting in $50 for her Phebs. Total: $300
GRAND TOTAL: $5225!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
wooh is that all for me? guess my Cushings tests and meds arn't cheap huh?
*please note that when this post gets burried you can easily find it. It is categorized as "event information" (right side above months).
Meany table is fine for Frodo. Seems to have stuck.