

Guest  ·  Jun 9, 2010



SATURDAY JUNE 12: BBQ fundraiser at M&M's in Mission (proceeds to SAINTS and Elizabeth Wildlife Foundation). Also THIS Saturday (June 12) between 10-2pm I will be painting fences and getting SAINTS ready for the OPENHOUSE JUNE 19 and 20, and I would love your help!

SATURDAY AND SUNDAY JUNE 19, 20: SAINTS OPEN HOUSE in Mission. Meet the saints and volunteers and get a tour of the sanctuary.

More information about the OPEN HOUSE and the BBQ is available on the EVENTS PAGE:

Hope to see you there.

Dogs in upper field

SEPTEMBER 18: GALA. Stay tuned for upcoming information such as the OFFICAL invitation. Until then here is Sheila's UNOFFICAL invitation: So SAVE THE DATE and start BUTTERING UP your favorite businesses for donations for our silent and live auction! Last year's gala was amazing and we are hoping this year will be even better. If the enthusiasm towards the table sponsorships is any indication, I am confident that THIS year will blow LAST year outta the water.

Yeah come'er LAST year I'm gonna get cha!




I would be happy to contribute a watercolour painting to your silent auction. Will bring it when we visit you during the open house :)


10-2 is merly focal time of the doing what we can extra outside of the normal hard work we do up there (i.e. cleaning/feeding) like PAINTING FENCES :) If it is sunny we could paint until our arms give out or it gets dark (which ever comes sooner).


hah! i bet you are missing larry!!!feel free to hassle away..i am working afternoon shifts anyway (not home til after 10 pm) and the crew will be very lonely but not if you are kicking around here!


i go to the docs on friday leg is still not too good but i would be coming early as i have an apt at 1230 on sat. will bring something to eat will decide tonight and let you know. will bring money for tables on saturday too . i believe it is 100 dollars.

Colleen B

If we promise not to hassle Carol, would you like help this weekend outside of the 10am-2pm hours?