i think i am feeling better...no dizziness since early this afternoon so i guess i won't try out the stupid call in sick thing again which is just as well cuz i was already pissed off once, don't need a repeat.
we are up to five diabetics....most of them are really good about daily double poking as long as their face is busy in a food bowl (but not caspar..he still has to be muzzled.)
however....no one enjoys being a diabetic more than griffin...he absolutely lives for his pokey-man food. i was in poking the bed buddy diabetics and griffin knew it and was screaming and tossing himself against the bedroom door. that dog sure loves his insulin..or at least he loves the food that goes along with it. when i came out of the bedroom, he took off in high speed and skidded across the room to his bed..that would be where the feeding/poking is happening and griffin was in a huge hurry to get to it. funny dog!
i was thinking of putting maple and peanut down today...neither of them had a good day yesterday. but when i checked them early this morning, they were both back to normal (for them) so i decided to not interfer. tonight i am glad because i think they both had quite decent days and i know that there are not many left for them.
i spent a good portion of today in my computer chair where dizziness does not dwell and surfed thru the almost 30 resumes that have come in for the part time job in just 24 hours. the print ads in the papers are not even out until the weekend...these all came from a craigs list ad that angelina did for me. it was a lot of resumes to sort thru. i will be working around creating a short list and inviting prospectives up for a tour and a meet and greet before we get down to actual interviews.
this place is unique..the job is complex..i want to make sure we pick for the saints guys the best of the best to look after them...it is a big responsibility AND it is worrisome because we don't have a lot of time left due to getting a slow start on posting the job....ah well...we will get thru this, but i will worry until we do.
larry has settled back in nicely...no night time restlessness or panting, no door bolting or eating of door frames....just little larry toddling around, making sure he gets what he wants by looking cute in his own special way.
angelina shaved down merry yesterday....she is even more homely than she was before. i think colleen should spend some time with her...she would be a really good friend to colleen's other dog and she is smart enough to know a good deal when she crawls in her lap....AND she is actually more homely than larry but instead of to-to-to-to'ing...she steps, limps, step, limps, step, hop and limps again....she looks like an old grey hobbit with whiskers and really bad skin.
well i must say that everyone around here totally enjoyed my sick day. i pretty much just stayed in the house and toddled around slowly doing what absolutely had to be done which included a lot of baby talking to a bunch of old wrecked animals.
they liked that a lot.
i am only working for the 4 hours each day next week so will try to get up and do the windows. they always need a clean , maybe spider webs being taken down and just some general odd jobs. hopefully some more people will show up tomorrow, if not we can get it done during the week. it always works out.