it was a challenging day to say the least....
Carol · Jun 18, 2010
the washer problem was solved when sears couldn't fix it today but had to order in parts so i bought a cheap washer and had it delivered and the broken one was taken away for repair. when it comes back the new cheap one goes into storage in the shop for the next time one of the washers breaks down. sigh.... apparently saints needs spare laundry machines.
my battery died on my van out by the barn so steve had to jump start it and then hooked it up to a battery charger for me...yay steve!
we were relocating the feed room stuff over to the new feed room shed...we upset a couple of rats and jesse tried to bite one but bit the plastic water pipe instead. suddenly water was spraying all over the place. so then even tho we now had 2 washers to use again...we couldn't use either because the water had to be shut off to fix the pipe. thank you anne, joyce and lynne for taking our stinky, gross laundry home! and thank goodness the pipe did get fixed so we again have water..steve to the rescue again!
Today's Lesson: Kill rat GOOD. Kill Pipe BAD.
sadly today was angelina's last day. she will be here on sunday to volunteer with the open house tho and we all wish her the very best of luck with her new fulltime job...but she will be greatly missed here.
today gwen has gotten the fully healed a-ok from the vet from her 3 months ago knee repair...just in time too because she has just torn her other knee this week and needs that repaired now too. i am going to stick her in a canine cart if she keeps buggering up her freaking knees.
dusty had her recheck today...she can come off one of the antibiotics but needed her insulin dose increased again. next week she goes in for the full day for a glucose curve to try to get her blood sugars back under control.
so the battery is charged, the water pipe is fixed, we have 2 working washers. we had lots of extra volunteer help today..lynne and kathy and ko and vern and tammy and laura and mo and nicole and jenn plus the staff pitched in big time for some of the extra things too...we are almost ready. i am putting the finishing touches on the house tonight....deep bleaching the cement on the cat porch once they all come in for the night. switching out the worn cat beds and replacing with fresh and a good corner to corner bleaching of floors and surfaces so tomorrow is just a quick clean and make it pretty again.
i am only planning on about a three hour cleaning shift yet tonight, so i better quit chatting and get moving to get my part of all of this done.
if you feed esther a whole ice cream sandwich she shuts up for about an hour.
wish us luck tomorrow and wish us blue skies and lot's of sun....saints is so lovely when the sun is shining and the animals are not all dripping wet muddy shit all over the house and beds.
Yes the slurpee was pretty cool.. I had grape... funny I love Popsicles but just never had an inkling to do the slurpee thing... plus I have never even heard of a throat freeze...very unique colleen