looks like the volunteers were all as bagged as i was yesterday, and probably went to bed early too.
Carol · Jun 20, 2010
the highlites for me were...
we met the mayor...really nice man. he came by for a tour, congratulated us the good work we do and said the city of mission was proud to have us as part of the community...(i hope he doesn't ever look to see how many bylaws we have stretched around here.) i have to say of all of the places i have lived from coast to coast and on each side of the border too...i like mission best...there is a lot of community and team spirit here..lot's of diversity and a very strong community web that brings the people who live here together.
my other high point was little mushroom merry. she had horned on on a very small group i was touring and when we were at the final point of the riding ring and ready to head out to the memorial garden...merry got the zoomies. that little old and crippled and homely dog can fly. there was no way she was going to cooperate in my catching her so i could pop her back over the fence and move on. she zipped and she zoomed and she threw herself into many play bows...the pure happiness of her just exploded into this wild and joyous mushroom dog dancing just out of reach in high speed....it was beautiful...but i did finally catch her and extinguish that happy light when i tossed her back over the dog yard fence to colleen....sorry merry...all good things must come to an end...temporarily anyway.
my other high point was the foster and past saints dogs...shrek, fiona, sandy, carly, emmy, chance, and gracie were all here. oh yeah i remember, they and the saints still living here are the reason that we all are here.
i had forgotten how beautiful they all are.
colleen is one of the volunteers. she not only works here but she volunteers many hours in her off-time too. mj volunteered all weekend to keep track of the donations and issue on the spot tax receipts (plus she dragged her son up here to fix my van window which was stuck wide open.) angelina set up, broke down, cleaned up and toured today and renee has volunteered for other special events and popped up to check on the animals for me when i get tied up at work. we are one of the few places blessed with both staff and volunteers who care about the animals first.
ha ha..i have horse shoes up my ass for attracting the very best of animals and the very best of people too!