(From Jenn)
I am pretty sure my mom may kill me for this or at the very least change her pass word so that I cannot post pictures anymore ... oh well it is worth it. I got scanner happy and have decided to share with all of you some pics of both Tyra and Carol in their younger ... and older years . ENJOY!!!
Carol Jane Hine's Younger Self
Carol and some dog she probablly rescued. Is it just me or do they look a lot alike?
Here is Carol and her original rescued scoobie gang of misfits
Once upon a time Carol and Tyra lived in a somewhat normal home ... at least there was a functional kitchen and about a 2:1 animal/human ratio
The original SAINTS dogs from left to right and front to back: Stan the Man, Wilber, Copper Top, Tyra Jane, and Tally-ho Braveheart.
Then one day Carol founded SAINTS and bought a large property in Mission ... and Tyra was so happy to have her own pond to swim in and a million tennis balls to play with. She says she could have done without Pheobe though
Eventhough there were over a 100 other animals all needing her mama's attention ... Tyra was still the Alpha and she knew it
And when Jenn finished her degree and didn't have to write stupid papers anymore she started coming around too and gave tyra lots of love
but tyra was starting to get old now
**Both Oldies but goodies though**
But no matter what, Tyra was there in the beginning and her spirit will be here when she is gone too ... and she will always be the saints ALPHA
Love Carol's schoolgirl photo! You can see it's her.