is not working again....apparently the mailbox is full (and has been for a couple of weeks) and i can't get into it to check those messages til i get the phone fixed again. the problem is with the old wiring from the road and into the needs to be upgraded or it will keep crapping out.
so being one more thing that we not only can't afford right now but also one more thing i do not feel like dealing with...i am just ignoring it...we still have email and my cell phone so folks can still get in touch with me if necessary. and with that mailbox full no one can leave anymore messages which is good because the max is 20 that are waiting for me to answer once the phone is fixed again.
if anyone really needs to get a hold of me the cell phone number is...604-339-5144...this is not to be given out to people in the public looking to surrender here..we are still too full....and the land line message still tells them that, they just can't ignore it and leave a message anyway asking us to save fluffy from them putting her down.
garry...i would have to dig thru a few hundred emails to find your number again (the email in box is still full of the resumes coming in and will be til i have time to sort thru them for hiring round number 2) feel free to call me on the cell...i generally answer it whenever my hands are free.
i know most folks think a working phone is a priority but it just isn't for me because it takes up even more of my time when it actually is working.
but here is another thought if someone wants to volunteer but maybe just can't get out here. i think there is a way to remotely check messages from a landline phone if someone is techno-savy enough to know how.
we could (once the phone is fixed) maybe look for a volunteer who would be willing to check and answer messages with really clear perimeters on who gets called back and who gets passed on to me...but it is a shitty job anyway you look at it because it will be full of sad stories and we can't take in every sad story that ignores our we are full and leaves a message anyway.....
any thoughts on this?
ahhh brigid, break my heart. i am so very sorry for your current situation. we just don't have room. we lost one entire cat area in order not to have to euthanize big bear, it was the very last option for him... all of those cats were moved into the house and the 2 groups were blended into one and we cannot crowd them even more or else they all will get stressed and sick. if we had room, i would really try to help you but it is not fair to our existing cats and it certainly would not be fair to your cats to forces them all to live in overcrowded conditions. i am truly sorry.