Animal Updates

i want to introduce our new guy before i go to bed for the night.

Carol  ·  Aug 8, 2010

saints welcomes "barney" he got that name from the kids in the complex who found him starving in the bush behind their townhouse complex. the vet said barney is at least 16 yrs old. he is almost fully blind from cataracts and he is hyperthyroid. his vetting was done by the nice lady who brought him here but couldn't keep him because her own dog was just diagonised with terminal lymphoma...(she named him charlie..but we already have a charlie cat so i changed him back to barney so we don't get confused)

he is so lovely..looks like a slightly healthier version of sidney. i have started him out in the middle pen in the medical room til he gets his saints legs under him.

Welcome to SAINTS Barney: "I love you ..."

i will keep trying to answer questions as they pop up tomorrow after work but for now i am brain dead and heading for bed, apparently question answering is really quite exhausting...who knew???


Amy Dalgliesh

Thank goodness for kids who find an old cat, name him and do what's right. Thank goodness for kind people who make sure that the care continues. He looks like my Gus did when he walked up my driveway and said he wanted to live with me. He did, and years later died, very much loved, in his sleep, snuggled with his adoring person the way all old animals should.


Barney is a very nice boy, very sweet. Enjoys being petted and is getting comfortable with his new place.
He actually looks like a much healthier version of Sidney.
I'm a sucker for the orange tabbies.