Here’s a fun question… naming the new baby mini donkey , who is incredibly friendly ( people & animals ) he loves to be brushed & greets you with a rather loud Yeee Haw as he runs up to meet you half way in the field… however 2 names are in the running
please express you prefrence
Comment by Mo — August 9, 2010 @ 10:56 am |Edit This
I am resposting this same pic because I am at work and my other pics on my computer ... I think you need to look at this cute little ass while you vote on his name ... hehe (Jenn)
Now that is teamwork & co-operation in action
Thanks all
Ziggy Newton thanks you too Zorba wasn't what he wanted to be called... and I looked up the lyrics to Ziggy Stardust... it made me wonder what the heck was I on when David Bowie was my be all end all..
I'll be doing the big fig Newton Dance in lieu of singing