Animal Updates

one of those frazzled days....

Carol  ·  Aug 21, 2010

too much going on all around. we were quite short of volunteers today but we did make it thru.
thanks so much to everyone here for getting everything jenn was able to take over the tours...thank you jenn!
kira got a great home today...someone is about to be spoiled rotten!

See Ya wouldn't wanna be Ya!

sheila and leila have decided to give scrappy and lotus a home so they will be adopted next weekend.
i watched a movie and dosed a bit on and off for a couple of minutes at a time for a couple of hours this afternoon with annabelle sound asleep on my chest...there is nothing so lovely as a sweet grand baby sleeping on your chest.

and i just got home from a 4 hour trip to my least favorite place for a saturday night in the world....lucky is at the emergency clinic.
i don't know definitively what is wrong with her, but she progressively got worse as the day wore on. laura and lana came after barn bedtime and helped me load her up on the stretcher and into the van. i stayed until the results of the ultra sounds and xrays were in...maybe the beginning of a plueral effusion, that might be a tumour at the pyloric junction of her stomach, there may be a tumour inside her lung and her liver looks not as crisp as it should. the emergency vet wants the radiologist to read the results because they are not quite clear...he is not in until monday morning. they sent off some bloodwork, she is on IV's and oxygen and i feel like a total shit leaving our very sick and blind dog alone at the clinic.

my gut says she will not be coming home head really hopes that my gut is wrong. and hope floats until it sinks for saints most unlucky of all lucky named dogs.

please be lucky, please be lucky...please lucky be lucky for once in your life....this time i really want to be wrong.



Poor Lucky she is a very unlucky dog. She seemed Ok when I left. She was sleeping.