Rescue Journal

a new button and a new contest.

Nicole  ·  Aug 31, 2010

Edited to add: Voting is now open

Notice something different on the blog? There's a new bright blue button on the right hand side that is suggesting that you VOTE NOW.
I am happy to say that SAINTS has been entered in the Pepsi Refresh Everything Project. It starts tomorrow at 9am and runs until October 31st, 2010.
You can vote once a day everyday. They give your 10 votes per day but you can't give more than one vote to one project each day. We have been entered in the $25,000 category and I'm sure will have some good competition. The Project runs Canada-wide and is open to people, businesses and non-profits.

How to vote:
Well, I made up this simple little webpage to help people like Carol figure out how to vote.
When you have logged in one time, in the future you can just click on the "Vote Now' button on the right side of the blog and it will take you directly to our page.
Please please please, pass this on to your friends and family. There is a facebook event created so please invite your FB friends and spread the word. Also on our Pepsi page, there will be links available on how to share the event via facebook and Twitter.

here is a link to the video we had to supply for the contest.
And just because i like to share photos of my guys here are three photos that Sheena took while she was out at SAINTS with them.



okay i can not keep asking for help. i just will not be able to vote for saints and my sister also always votes but she can not get on either.


cannot seem to get on the link to vote. well got there but can not sign in. it is not typing out anything. help.


Holy smoke that $100,000 moves fast and often. I used up my 10 votes already.


i figured it out...voted for both saints and the spca...i will read thru some of the others tonight to see where i would like to also vote..looks like there are some great ideas on there.

Jenn Hine

I also voted for the $100K category for the SPCA if anyone else in interested too here is the link:

Jenn Hine

SAINTS is currently first! woo hoo! All of the voters are "computer heros"


Voted! Will share link with all the other animal lovers I know.

Good luck SAINTS!!!


I LOVE the pic of Shrek, he looks so happy. There is something about th eblack & white that I really like too... I have to try & save some money so I can do a session with Sheena & my guys... all these years and I really don't have many great photos of them.. lots of so-so ones, but very few great ones.

Thansk for thisnew challenge too, I will E-mail to my friends & ask them to pass to theirs.. it would be very very exciting to win 25K.. exspecially for our vets Lol


haha bless you Nicole I love the "how to vote for dummies" page--great feature and you're right it help my mom a lot!