Rescue Journal

begging again

Carol  ·  Sept 1, 2010

saints annual wishes for whiskers fundraiser
is sept 18th at the pitt meadows golf course. this is our big fundraiser for the has to cover all of the accumulated vet bills from the past several months and hold us til december when the xmas donations start coming in.

our current vet bills are more than $20, one said senior and special needs animal rescue was cheap or easy. every new animal coming in requires a couple of thousand dollars just to repair all of the neglected vet care for their 14 or 15 years of life...then there is the maintenence vet costs to keep them feeling well...most of our guys never do get adopted...we are it for them. our cats range in age from 16-22 years of age..our dogs from 9-19..our horses from late 20's to 34...

the majority of our animals come from other shelters, animal controls and rescues...they are not adoptable so where do they go?

here. if we have the room and the financial resources to care for them.

the fundraiser is in a couple of weeks....we have sold 25 tickets...this is not good.

there are a lot of politics in rescue..almost as many as there are animals needing help.

bottom line, we do help them...but we cannot do it alone.

the tickets are $60 each or $400 for a table of 8.

if you and some of your friends/family can come..please do...for those who have never had a chance to see what we do, this is a good opportunity. for those who have...see what we are up to this year.
for those that have sent animals us to continue to look after them and others that may need to come in the future.

this is for the animals..this fundraiser is to pay for their medical care only...we have got to clear those vet bills....the bills that make sick animals well...that make dying animals feel comfortable for whatever time they have left...the bills that give them a decent quality of life that they so richly deserve.

come on out and give us a helping hand in caring for the ones who have few if any options other than saints.

it will be a good night for all of them if you can.

tickets are available on our website go to the events page, you can purchase on line.

"begging" is a regular part of SAINTS' life and the animals and volunteers are REALLY REALLY good at it



thanks Carol... Today all of a sudden... boom ticket sales picked up.
