Rescue Journal

interesting emails tonight...

Carol  ·  Sept 9, 2010

a few animals trying to get in..i am saying no. a school class wanting to volunteer..i will call the teacher tomorrow and find out more....a couple of possible volunteers, advice seekers, a few donated items, some animal welfare issues...a real mixed bag tonight.

i bought myself a brand new pair of cheap work shoes..which i was intending on keeping in my car so they never would suffer the fate of stepping in cow or horse or dog shit. on my way home from day one at work with my brand new cheap shoes...i saw 2 daxi's out on the road so i pulled over to take them home...AND i stepped in a pile of their poop!

reggie is back in the office...he drove me totally insane last night and al is totally stressed with him in the house again. so jesse is back in the dog room...harold and bibi got moved back to the kitchen...pixie is pissed off at being stuck in a cage and to a certain degree all is well at saints least everyone is safe.

the water was delivered at 7 am this morning so tonight i had a really deep hot bath!!!

with the shavings delievery is almost too much for the bin so we covered the part that is not under cover with a big tarp to keep it dry. herman has decided that the tarp makes a great pig tent fort so he is hanging out in there as much as he can. tonight i fed him dinner in his stall and forgot to lock his gate right away. he wolfed down in his dinner and ran back out to his fort. i stuck my head in with him and asked him to please come out and go back to bed for the night...he just wuffled and wagged his tail..he thought he might sleep out in his nice tent tonight.

i did convince him apple a day and then another as a betime bribe, makes a pig safe and secure cuz his caregiver is wise! saint hermans sleep in the barn, not outside under a tarp. geez!

i have a moral issue i am struggling with that i am trying to figure out in my head. i was going to write about it tonight but for some reason my hands are quite sore and i don't feel like typing more..maybe i will talk about it in the morning instead.

oh...and by the way (jenn) my cell phone is dead (and so are the house phones still too) so i can't call anyone back tonight..not ignoring anyone..just stuck with a bunch of dead phones all around...sorry. i will recharge the cell phone and do the call backs tomorrow.
