Rescue Journal

More Great Pepsi Contest Posters ...

Jenn  ·  Oct 22, 2010

We're #1, we're #1!!! Yes SAINTS is still in it for the money. $25,000 to be exact and this money will help us to pay outstanding vet bills and also see us through the next batch of new intakes and their medical care assessments and any acute treatments and surgeries they will need. So not only to the present saints animals thank you, but so do the new future saints.

I know you all are voting every day and also getting your friends, family, co-workers, neighbours ... etc to vote too so great work. But I also know there are still some people having trouble voting. If you know anyone having troubles or just to sure you may want to refer them to or email them this link: which is a helpful "how to vote."

So, happy Friday everyone and please remember to vote through the weekend there are only 10 more voting days left and anything to happen if there is a sudden surge from another group. Here is the link and some great new posters created by saints supports as a fun way to remind and encourage people to vote. I have been posting them to the SAINTS facebook page too so email me yours so I can share:

This one is from our friends at small animal rescue!


These two are from Harold's mom Car0l Anne!


And here are 2 more I made on a lunch break at work the other day


Keep the posters coming I will need them for the sprint to the finish line!



I'm voting Jenn & posting on my FB! For some reason I have lots of friends in Canada! LOL!

I truly believe this is GOING TO HAPPEN!