i went grocery shopping and tried expanding my new eating habits just a wee bit more cuz this last week was pretty damn boring. i bought some baby spinach and some silk chocolate milk and i got some frozen fruit and juice to try and make smoothies with. i am going to try the "so good" brand of fake vanilla ice cream but i am thinking it is going to taste gross.
i took the condiment advice to heart and found some safe dijon mustard and decided to bite the bullet and make for dinner tonight an Yves veggie burger. i pulled out the electric fry pan, i hovered and cooked that thing well...i even spiced it a bit with garlic and curry and then i built my burger fixings. it was great! i really enjoyed it..i couldn't even tell it wasn't a real meat burger.
and then i decided to see what was in it..soya beans? mushrooms? rice?...whatever..when i finally read the ingredients..it lists milk products and cheese...yikes!
anyway..i have a box of almost full vegie burgers which are very good if someone would like them..i should have read the ingredients FIRST!
sigh..i know this is a journey and it is a totally new journey for me (good lord i am watching what i eat!) and i know i will take the wrong road once in awhile and i will make a mistake (preferably just this one) but i also know i will get there eventually where i don't have to worry and i don't have to think and i don't have to read every single god damn box even if they do say VEGGIE burger (milk and cheese are not vegetables so i think it should have said veggie and dairy burger just to be clear.)
thx to everyone for taking care of saints today and thank you laura for coming back tonight and getting the barn guys fed!
edith has lost her mind..she is just as bad as maude is now. no lie...laura and i looked up to see her walking all around underneath the cows trying to reach an empty grain bowl. percy threatened to kick her a few times and earlier he did send her flying with his great massive head.
i am going to fence and gate off that new goat stall/undercover area so at bedtime the goats can eat in peace and edith won't get herself killed, toddering around under the big guys feet. and as soo0n as we get that done...chewie is making the permanent move over to sleep with the other goats..it will be one less area that has to cleaned if we kick him out of his private yard and bedtime suite. he is virtually healed now, he hangs with the other guys all thru the day...there is no reason not to move him over if i separate the goats from the cows at feeding and bedtime.
on saturday i will measure that extra gate we have...hopefully we can get it to fit.
i guess i better go put the mp building to bed and check in with frodo to say goodnight...and then a nice hot bath, diabetics and meds and an early to bed night.
Gardein makes GREAT vegan "meat" alternatives...
They are processed, but not as much as many other foods. Local Canadian company too!