figuring various things out...mostly what to eat.
Carol · Nov. 24, 2010
my new vegan diet/lifestyle..i hate it. it is hard for me cuz not only do i need easy and quick but i just do not like odd tasting brussel sprouts and fake ice cream. i have been sick for the almost two weeks i have been at this and that is not good for me, my paid job or the animals here.
so i have decided to start negotiating on how and what i will eat. animal products to wear is easy for me. i am fine with rubber and vinyl and fake things. i have finally found a relatively decent not tested on animals deodorant and that is a really good thing to add to my other no animal testing personal products.
as for the food that i buy..i am good with the vegan margarine..i am cool with the vegan burgers and the milk and egg free breads, i am fine with the silk chocolate soy milk but i had to start buying cows milk again for the senior cats cuz they not only were really missing their bedtime treat..but for 23 yr old stripe, 20 yr old bond and 17 yr old toothless eddie..that milk is necessary to their physical health and well being...they all need the extra fluids and calories and they really like getting that from a bit of milk each night.
i am re-introducing eggs into my diet..i will just make sure they are true free run/free range and not from commercial battery cages and not from someplace that is trying to pull the wool over consumer eyes. and i am going to re-introduce fish the occasional time too just to make sure i keep my proteins up cuz i cannot get enough proteins from the vegan foods i will actually make and eat.
and that is the best i can do with a microwave, an electric fry pan and a toaster oven and very little extra time to fuss around and to cook with.
i like shelley's suggestion that rather than a 100% strict vegan..i can be a responsible flexitarian...i can go quite a bit further than just eating, using and wearing whatever is conveniently available to trying to live as compassionately as possible and becoming mostly vegetarian/ partially vegan for now where ever possible and see where this takes me in the future as i learn to undo a lifetime of irresponsible and unneccessary cruelty saturated consuming.
i wish i was stronger..i wish i was better and that i could make myself live 100% responsibly and maybe under different circumstances..i really could be both of those things. maybe one day i will get all of the way there but like everything else in my life..this too is an uncharted journey.
anyway..i just have to stop obsessing all the time about eating...i have other things i need to worry keeping everyone, and everything from actually freezing.
little bambi had her dental, mammary tumor removal and her spay today..she is looking a bit rough around the edges, that was a lot for her to manage. big bambi goes in for her abcessed tooth removal tomorrow and jelly is booked for her spay and tumor removal on friday.
i am thank god off now for 4 days...i still have some winterizing around here to do and i am fighting off a head and chest cold...ok... maybe "fighting off" is a bit optomistic... but it hasn't laid me low yet so for now i am ok with that!
i did have to cancel the electrician at lunch today cuz i was tied up in a meeting..hopefully i can hook up with him and the furnace repair guy..oh and the dryer repair guy too on this set of four days least i am hoping i can.
Sigh...Leila, that is why I prefaced my comment with "very respectfully".
As all of us on blogs, I can only respond to comments posted and cannot know the entire inner life of the person posting it. It did seem to me that you were advocating for taking the life of an animal, if humanely raised. And I disagree with that, no matter the background of the person posting it. But, the disagreement is a jumping off point for discussion and not a slap-down as it seems you took it.
I don't think anyone on this blog could be accused of "disregarding animal life". Simply by being here, these blog readers respect animal life and I think we all like bouncing our different ideas off each other as we explore our evolving relationships with other animals. I enjoy the conversations and discussions on the complexities and nuances of this but sometimes our words can come across in ways we don't anticipate.
So, I apologize if you were personally offended by my comment. That was not my intent.