Rescue Journal

jelly lost her jolly....

Carol  ·  Nov 27, 2010

at the vets yesterday. it happens to people too when they are stressed and under going surgeries..the assault is not just physical, it is emotional and spiritual too. it takes time to regain their equalibrium, to feel right in their bodies again. jelly is having a difficult time with this.

we did get her to eat a couple of really good homemade dog cookies from the bake sale yesterday...and i see that lynne has placed a small piece of cake in her food bowl to tempt her too. percy liked the cake made me chuckle, here are all of these homeless animals..and here are all of these great people scooping and shovelling up poop..and lynne is walking around like martha stewart all over the the property cutting everyone (including cows ) pieces of yummy lemon cake for a nice treat. she even had a nice warm and wet hand towel for folks to tidy up with first!....we are such an odd kind of rescue!

laura did one tour today..really nice folks..the volunteers worked really hard in the animal cleaning chaos but have mostly gone home now. the dogs are starting to curl up and settle...soon it will be afternoon nap time for both them and me...i am really needing this before i start the barn bedtime routine.

tomorrow for sure i have to unload and restock the week's barn feeds, clean off the medical room counters, trim the poop ball from princess leia's butt, tidy up the shop a bit and ( maybe) hang plastic on the outside cat run...oh and do my work week laundry..that also has to be done!

i think my cold feels a tiny bit better..hope floats til we hit the evening time and it possibly sinks...why do colds always feel worse in the late afternoons and evenings?... do they have an internal timing thing????



I noticed the SPCA was gone too, thats unfortunate, lots of wasted votes that could have gone to other animal causes.


they pulled out of the contest for this round so they might come back in one of the future rounds.


Have noticed while voting on the Pepsi Challenge web page that the BC SPCA under the 100k category has disappeared over the last week. It was about #7 but now I can't find it anywhere on the list. Am I missing something? Thanks


Hi Sunday volunteers: There is a rockslide that has shut down the Trans Canada highway between Hope and Bridal Falls, but I am going to go around thru the Agassiz route to get back on the highway, so plan to be there as usual. It will take me a bit longer, but I hope to arrive before 9am. Sorry I missed the lemon cake today!

Linda de J.

It felt great being at Saints today. The weekend barn volunteers are a great group to work alongside. Thank you Nicole and Allison for your efforts. Thank you KO and MO for your direction and then your resourcefulness in helping me retrieve my car keys. Thank you lynn for the lemon cake!!