last night laura and tammy and i went to help janice (jenn...pls insert heartsonnoses link here thx so much..and don`t bug me about how to do links..i am not feeling well.) ...where was i..oh yeah...anyway we went to help janice round up a family in crises left behind little pig.
i pretty much did nothing except cough and drive the van..janice had the whole rescue planned out to a T..and laura and tammy and janice did the physical stuff necessary to catch that pig.
to me it was a no brainer..janice as the pig guru and tammy as the smallest of all the rescuers were the ones going down under that small deck to crawl around in the dirt, the dark and the pig shit on their belly`s to capture that pig..that left me free to appreciate how cold and dark it was, how creepy sounded the screaming coyotes and what a very cold and lonely place that pig was currently living in.
surffice it to say..the pig was caught and crated very kindly and quickly too...janice knows exactly what she is doing. we loaded him up and got him back to janices and carried his crate up into her great room.
and this is where my heart was rendered forever in love with that pig...he came out of that crate happy.
he wandered around in his new great room (which is where i happen to want to live) and he said hello to us...he said hi to buddy...janice`s giant oaf of a really great dog...he ate some granola bars and had a nice drink and wandered some more to check out his new digs.
he knew his life just got infinitely better...he was inside a great room, surrounded by great people and a great dog, there was great food being freely offered....with the memory still fresh in his mind of where he had just come from...he knew he was a very lucky and happy pig.
there is a very mighty and positively pure soul inside that little pig.
thx janice for the warm and heart felt great leaving your was a good night for a pig rescue....good job everyone!
(ps..if you ever come home and find your great room, great dog and great pig..missing...not to worry cuz i found a way to get them all over to here!)
that was an awesome rescue --great job-- pigs need love too