first i called mo and asked her if i could euth. phoebe...she said 100% yes!..then she now what did she do?
apparently this morning after i left for work that bitch took off a one half inch by one inch chunk of larry's ear.
she does not want to know that inside my apparently very calm and cool body i am seriously and cheerfully plotting her death....i just can't decide if i should do it legally with a vet and euthanol of if i should get her to go and play in the road and pretend it was an accident.
anyway back to my polling....nicole said full dental extractions might be kinder then actually killing her. this may be true but i know i could get any vet in the lower mainland to agree to kill her given her vicious accumulated ear slicing tendencies...they just probably will not agree to ripping out all of her teeth....THAT they might think is extreme.
jenn suggested that unless phoebe is causing serious injury i probably can't get away with killing her and in any case it should be a full board anyone on the board of directors has to live with the nasty hag...and since they don't want to either..they probably would let me knock out her lights without getting very upset. and i think if you asked larry, he would consider his injury serious enough to nuke her too. so then jenn said that if i insist on doing her in....i could feed her a box of chocolates.
i don't see why she should have a nice death by chocolate....i think hanging her from a tree in the freezing rain is more appropriate for her crimes.
and what really pisses me off more than anything is that last light i held that hag on my lap and kissed her and told her i loved her and she really was a good little dog.
what a load of i have to go and wash my mouth out with soap for spewing forth a whole bunch of hogwash.
anyway..phoebe is greatly on my mind today and not in very nice ways. i can't say there may not soon be a red whirling headless wonder dog running harmlessly around saints...and maybe this might be a reality by the time i get off of work today.
someone should seriously rescue phoebe cuz if i get my way....her future is looking a bit grim.
**look at these perfect shots I (jenn) took of Pheobe and Larry on Saturday. My camera appears to have captured their inner dark/lightness.
I've been lucky too and I've told phoebe off a couple of times. maybe my not knowing all about her moods saved me. lol and i had a lot of practice with my lab who was like that when she was younger. She is much better now but the bad one can surface any time --I'm always watching. It is really hard to live with a dog like that but we do what we can. I'm committed to her -- some of my family says i should be committed lol