Rescue Journal

quick news

Carol  ·  Feb 16, 2011

i got all of the feeding and meds done early before laura got here to help me with sherlock. he has been carried out and has his pee and poop for the night and his pain meds too.

andy is currently sulking on the couch..he is pissed that he had to be groomed. thank you so much sam and company for getting him cleaned up again (he is adorably cute!!!) and bibi thanks you for his bum shave too!

the vets are coming out to see gilbert looks like some fatted cow stepped on the end of his tail. i might feel sorry for him if he did not insist on laying in front of the hay feeders all of the is a stupid place to lay down if there are a bunch of giant hungry horses and cows hanging around.


you don't have to be a giant to be mighty around here. 4 pounds of toothless mini-me has made it her mission to eliminate all puppies from the house of saints....or at least from my bed. she is pretty good at it...she even kind of scares me!


those bloody gluttonous bed buddy bastards dug a hole in the side of the playpen we use for totally defeats the purpose to stick someone in so they can eat in peace and have someone else climb in thru the hole to steal their food when i am not paying attention. laura found me some duct tape so i taped up their sneaky hole...hah! take that you trick and treating thieving beasts!

i am letting mystic chew on an empty water bottle because it means she is too busy to chew on me.
she sure is cute but she still is a pain in the ass.


is ANYBODY actually collecting pledges for the upcoming pub night???? i was just wondering cuz i was kind of worried that nobody is.

update on the newby's...
angus is settling in very well, is a full bed buddy and much better behaved then everybody else.


pop's had his feet trimmed a bit again on monday and is doing ok... still hanging out in his area and probably bored to tears..i am thinking of letting him toddle around in the riding ring for a bit on the weekend since i am cleaning out there on saturday and can keep an eye on him.


sherlock is doing ok too...once in awhile he screams if he moves the wrong way but mostly he is just laying around and watching everything.

well..i will switch around one more load of laundry and then i am tiredly dragging my butt off to bed...i did miss that nap today..i knew i would.



I would be interested in buying a calendar OR individual photos. I think some of your photos are stunning and would be interested in buying 8 X 10s or possibly even larger of some of them.


Carol; I am collecting pledges for the pub night fundraiser, and I'm sure others are too.

colleen b

No, no Jenn...we were selling them for $25! You can choose a variety of different sizes and covers to suit your budget :)

Jenn Hine

that is a great photo book colleen. She is a much more talented photographer than I ... but even so a book like that costs $95 ... not sure how many people would want to spend that kinds money on a SAINTS book but I will probablly set it up so people could buy right online or preorder therefore there would be none left for us to eat the cost of.

Thanks Carol Ann I will take all of your suggestions and come up with something.

Carol Ann

Jenn i will buy a dvd of all the videos you make cause i can't see them on my computer--only have dial up here.

colleen b

Ya, we ran into that problem with not covering costs as well, but I think the profit margins can be ok. Since you can preview the entire book online once it's designed, last time around, they posted the book and then had people pre-order. It worked well since folks could already see what they were getting. They did mostly full page photos with some quotes (you could do Carol-isms, maybe?) and then had smaller thumbnail photos of all the dogs that had come through the rescue that year.

The other thing we noticed, is that the books are easier to sell if you don't make them date specific - then you can carry leftovers through to the next year. As opposed to calendars, which nobody really wants once January has passed...

Our agility trainer is also a photographer and just designed this book for her dog. It's so cute and you can see what kind of templates Blurb has. It looks best viewed full screen. (and she posted it on her blog so I'm allowed to share it here)

Jenn Hine

thanks Colleen I will definately have a look at that website more thoroughly when I get home from work. I am up for selling DVDs perhaps collection of the videos I have done up to date? or what do you guys think? are people more interested in buying a photo book? a book of printed bog enteries with photos too? or a dvd with videos? or a calender? I was never a fan of these kinds of things because profit margins can sometimes be small and often it is necessary to presell them to make sure you can cover the costs.

Bunny regarding a photoshoot I am up for it for sure. I am out this Sunday. if it is semi-nice (i.e. not raining) I will come buy and snap some pictures after I am done cleaning the MP building. So around 11ish. I would say $50 would get you a a good number I am sure we could get 50 or so no problem of you with the barn guys, some of the barn dogs. That would be $1 per photo. and I would put them on a DVD for you so you could have the electric copy to do with as you wish.

colleen b

Great idea, Roff! Your photos are stunning, Jenn. And you could do a photo book too! Check out Blurb - super easy to use. The rescue here that I work with does a blog year-in-review photobook and sells them to raise money. They're a hit! And calendars too! I'd buy for sure :)


Jenn, I think you might seriously consider assembling a DVD to sell, using stills and videos that you have already done. I think you do very good work and I'm not the only one. See Bunny's comments above.

Maybe start with what is already "in the can" and then consider an annual collection every year going forward.

Hope you consider the idea. I'd be happy to help if you need it.


i think we still have a way to go yet suzanne...he is still not cut all the way back yet to even semi-normal hooves...i will ask the vets next time they are out if and when we can stop worrying about hoof separation.


isPops almost "out of the woods" on keeping his feet? Please say yes.

Bunny Horne

I have a $20 donation from a co-worker that I will bring to the pub night. At least one other is going to give me a cash donation. So far I've got $115 in my hands for hooked projects. I've got at least $50 committed that hasn't come my way yet. These are all for pub night. I think as the mats start to go up on the cubicles people will get jealous and decide to buy one. They won't want to be left out. I've got a big one to hang today for one of our management team - it was difficult so I think that project could pull in some more bucks.

I've got two Costco Executive Memberships ($100 each) for the silent auction and a super fabulous gift basket for the silent auction. I think I may have secured a HEALTH basket of supplements from Webber Naturals, the neutricutical company. My contact is on vacation until the end of the month.

Oh and the big mat project "waiting for my forever home" which you can auction off.

JENN ABSOLUTELY I would buy some photos. I would gladly donate to have you capture a couple of pics of me with a couple of the barnyard buddies. I would probably need a Percy treatment so I could look my best. What would $50 for pics get me? Should I book a beauty treatment with Percy.... I want to make sure my hair is just perfect.

That's what I've got at the moment.


No, still in LA. Life is tough.
Weather has been nice, rain coming Friday. Feels like home.
Missing the kids and the SAINTS guys. Looking forward to seeing them soon.
Can I assume you are spoiling your future adoptee, Phoebe Rose Hine?


Poor Gilbert, he can be such a nice little/big goat.
How bad does his tail look? That must have been quite a
shock for him.
Hopefully it's not too badly damaged.


yes I am gonna take a pledge form to my work ... otherwise I might have to pull a Bunny and bake or make something to sell to them. Hey anyone wanna buy a photo? haha I have thousands. or how about one of my vidoes on a DVD? ah sigh. If only it was that easy.