i got all of the feeding and meds done early before laura got here to help me with sherlock. he has been carried out and has his pee and poop for the night and his pain meds too.
andy is currently sulking on the couch..he is pissed that he had to be groomed. thank you so much sam and company for getting him cleaned up again (he is adorably cute!!!) and bibi thanks you for his bum shave too!
the vets are coming out to see gilbert tomorrow...it looks like some fatted cow stepped on the end of his tail. i might feel sorry for him if he did not insist on laying in front of the hay feeders all of the time...it is a stupid place to lay down if there are a bunch of giant hungry horses and cows hanging around.
you don't have to be a giant to be mighty around here. 4 pounds of toothless mini-me has made it her mission to eliminate all puppies from the house of saints....or at least from my bed. she is pretty good at it...she even kind of scares me!
those bloody gluttonous bed buddy bastards dug a hole in the side of the playpen we use for feeding...it totally defeats the purpose to stick someone in so they can eat in peace and have someone else climb in thru the hole to steal their food when i am not paying attention. laura found me some duct tape so i taped up their sneaky hole...hah! take that you trick and treating thieving beasts!
i am letting mystic chew on an empty water bottle because it means she is too busy to chew on me.
she sure is cute but she still is a pain in the ass.
is ANYBODY actually collecting pledges for the upcoming pub night???? i was just wondering cuz i was kind of worried that nobody is.
update on the newby's...
angus is settling in very well, is a full bed buddy and much better behaved then everybody else.
pop's had his feet trimmed a bit again on monday and is doing ok... still hanging out in his area and probably bored to tears..i am thinking of letting him toddle around in the riding ring for a bit on the weekend since i am cleaning out there on saturday and can keep an eye on him.
sherlock is doing ok too...once in awhile he screams if he moves the wrong way but mostly he is just laying around and watching everything.
well..i will switch around one more load of laundry and then i am tiredly dragging my butt off to bed...i did miss that nap today..i knew i would.
I would be interested in buying a calendar OR individual photos. I think some of your photos are stunning and would be interested in buying 8 X 10s or possibly even larger of some of them.