animal rights has become a dirty word in rescue.
Carol · Feb 18, 2011
i find this sad because this is not just about their is about their intrinsic right to be at all times treated with a deep respect as living and self aware beings.
but even animal welfarists and rescuers have limits on what rights they believe animals are entitled to. they actually believe that while animals do not have any actual rights..humans do have the obligation to care for them properly.
have this discussion and soon the absurdies come into play....
"humans will no longer be able to ever share their lives with companion animals, we will have to set them all free in the woods".....really? is this what we did when we gave rights to children? did we turn them all loose to run around as bush babies?
"animals will no longer be able to work for us....we will never again be able to eat a steak"....hmmm...well humans have rights and we still have to work to survive and we work for each with payment or wages....i fail to see why an animal's life would be any different....even free and wild animals need to work to feed themselves and their families. even a gazelle may lose it's life to feed the lion and her young....but a lion will not enslave all gazelles in a dark, crowded and dirty cave and expect them to live there from the moment of their birth until they die.
if rex's job is to herd the sheep..or spot's job is to be a companion and keep someone company, to pay for their home, their care, their food and their share of the electricity and heat and medical be it. it just means that because they work for us, or we use them to eat...we do not have the right to abuse or torture or neglect them in the mean time.
giving animals rights means that just like us...they have the protection under the law to be treated fairly and respectfully.
the opponents of allocating legislated legal rights to animals are blowing smoke up our collective butts to incite doubt, concern, stop dead in it's tracks any move forward in the animal rights movement. PETA and other extremist groups are held up as examples of what they say the future will be if animals are given rights.
not necessarily. the taliban is not mainstream muslim society and neither did communal free love in the 6o's take over the entire world....just because the far right wingers wants things to be so does not mean the moderate cannot find the responsible and respectful middle of the road....and it also means that animals do not have to continue to live, die and suffer through out their lives by the rules of the far left either.
animals do have make this sound dirty or crazy or dangerous to humans rights is to remove all possibilties for them to live better lives.
i support animal is not something to will make all of us together, more responsible, respectful and compassionate human beings...sounds like a good move forward to me.
Leila... by entrenched thoughts, should I understand that you believe I have them? or that you have them? or the two "sides" have them?
My thinking is not so far from yours BUT... (there always has to be a but...) if we believe that humans and non-human beings both have souls and are sentient AND it's only the humans who have the laws to enforce... is it not valuable to KEEP the laws man has made for animals? It is the humans who attend court on their behalf and keep others responsible for humane care.
I believe that the decimation of animals comes from the ideas of the Animal Rights folks to wipe the slate clean and apply their agenda. I believe that those with Animal Welfare is mind will do their best to improve laws and humane care for all. We may share the world with animals but we still govern their destiny by virtue of our prefrontal cortex.
PS Leila... I used the Premack Principle to explain my point. It was only an example and I knew that you and others were understanding of the label... others might not be.