if i was going to write a bill of rights for animals...
Carol · Feb 18, 2011
it would look something like this.....4 simple rights that i tweeked from the UN's declaration of human rights.
Every domesticated and captive animal has the right to a reasonable standard of living for the health and emotional well-being of himself including appropriate food, housing, companionship, protection from harm, and medical care in the event of sickness, injury, disability, or old age.
Every animal has the right to enjoy quality of life and emotional fulfillment and when necessary, a humane, pain and fear free death.
No animal shall be subjected to abandonment, torture or to cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment, containment or punishment regardless of breed or species.
Every animal has the right to recognition and protection everywhere as a sentient being before the law.
I love the 4 rights you adopted from UN. I agree that having animal rights will make us more responsible, respectful and compassionate human beings. Very well-said! Thanks.