no one has to worry...i am feeding and turning out for mo in the morning and then i can come back and do up the is no big deal for me to do the house on my own.
Carol · Feb. 26, 2011
1.Sorry, this has nothing to do with Chauncy: To weekend house volunteers: I am unable to come tomorrow (Sunday). We have 8? of snow on the ground here in Hope from earlier in the week, and it is snowing heavily again, and supposed to continue overnight, so I don’t want to chance the roads in the am. I have emailed Jenn and Carol, and I hope Mission doesn’t get too much snow so others can make it in the morning. Sorry to the regulars on Sunday. See you next week.
Carol; how is Sherlock doing? He is such a sweetheart. I hope he is healing fast and doesn’t have to be carried outside much longer.
Comment by Brenda — February 26, 2011 @ 2:51 pm |Edit This
2.Uh oh… this also has nothing to do with Chauncy! (he looks very cute though)
My boyfriend had to go up north yesterday and took my car (with my snowtires) and I now have his car for the weekend which is absolutely useless in the snow… right now it looks ok but I heard we are getting a dump tonight and that roads will be very icy and snowy tomorrow… I hope that isn’t the case because if it is there’s a chance I won’t be able to make it out either… who else is on tomorrow (that lives close?!) I don’t want anyone stuck by themselves :S
Comment by Zoe — February 26, 2011 @ 5:03 pm |Edit This
I hope everything went okay. I heard roads were pretty scary yesterday so props to whoever made it! I miss everyone though, 2 weeks is too long..