we were running out of hay and the delivery hadn't come yet so i hiked on down to the feed store and hauled 8 bales back home...no lie, not even an hour later..the hay delivery came.
i spent most of the day working on the book...i had some technical problems which drove me nutz.
sherlock will now go out on his own...coming back in, he still wanted to be carried. sigh...we will get there eventually...have feet...can walk.
i have a fair amount of work to do tonight to get ready for the shaw folks tomorrow. wish us luck that all goes well and i will let you know when it aires.
nooooo...i am already over the limit and up to 130 pages so we just made a big price point jump. if you post more great photo's i am screwed.. i will not be able to afford to buy the book!
(but i do kind of want to see the photo's...we can now go to 160 pages before the next price jump so maybe i can squeeze in a few more.)