the vet thought she had turned the corner and was going to be alright. her bloodwork was pretty much normal except for her kidney values, she was no longer vomitting and had even eaten her dinner. he checked her just after 8 pm and she was really good...this morning when he arrived, she was gone.
on katie's behalf...thank you to Dr. Tim and the staff of Cottonwood clinic (you guys really went above and beyond for her!), thank you to trina and staff from animal control, and thank you to everyone who donated to give this poor dog a chance for a better life.
i will go in and pay her medical bill next week and animal control will cover the cost of her cremation. the vet is going to do a postmortum this afternoon to see what the sudden cause of death really was (she probably threw a clot because she had been down for many days.)
rest in peace katie, you were very important to many people...we all truly wish you could have been saved.
Katie, I love you and will miss you dearly. Thank you for being a part of my life.