
Mini Me Me Me Me Me and Pub Night

Jenn  ·  Mar 22, 2011

ah yay, I am now going to bury the below post literally and figuratively ....

So took WAY to long to make this video because of some technical difficulties with my laptop. Geee I wish I had a Mac to made videos on. Anyways I think it was worth it ... Here is the one and only Mini Me.

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Also, with your attention now I want to remind everyone about the Pub Night this Saturday. Tickets are sold out but people can still come they just wont get to participate in a few things like door prizes. Get there early because seating is VERY limited. We have some great auction items--many great gift baskets, executive Costco memberships, tickets to Robert Plant Concert, lots of pet stuff, and a photo shoot with your favorite saintsfrom moi! Also its going to be a blast and raise a lot of money for these expensive little beasts.

It is not too late, we are still collecting pledges. Our goal is to raise $10,000. You can make a donation via pay pal and email to let Sheila know it is for the event.


see you Saturday night!


Bunny Horne

Carol and Jenn, I just discovered my dentist "double dipped" - after much dental tap dancing - I am getting a refund back of $100 (once someone is actually in the office with authority to sign a cheque) - geeze.

I am DONATING it to SAINTS and will bring it to the pub night. I didn't see anything in your entry on dog biting about dogs biting dentists.


I will be there. Lynn, please save me 5 seats. I am still at work since last Tuesday straight thru - but I am finally going home on Thursday night - if I'm still standing! I'm so looking forward to the Pub night - and a few well deserved drinks! Also, Jenn, I will be coming to SAINTS this Sunday morning (after Pub Night), unless some other disaster befalls me! See you all there