Rescue Journal

ok...i uploaded the changes...the book is now available for purchase thru the blurb bookstore (i apologise in advance for any mistakes that i missed but i just want to be done with this completely now!)

Carol  ·  Mar. 24, 2011

i left the preview on for the entire book this time so you can go thru it cover to cover.



jenn can you phone me on my home phone tonight or on my cell phone tomorrow in the morning. home 8267287 cell 3027871. got that item you wanted for the event tomorrow night. still want it let me know.


oh jenn... AND! a BEAUTIFUL quilt arrived along with a couple of quilted bags. we can save it for the gala fundraiser in sept. but can you please take it home to store until then and keep it safe?


Thanks Lynne sorry I toallt forgot about the thing ... is it too late? Sheila and I went through all the donated items and the bid sheets are being pre-done and also we are limited on space so we have no more room for silent auction items but you can save them for the next event. See you tomorrow night.


lynne and for those coming to the pub night...we will be taking orders saturday can pre-pay (cash or cheque) and we will order your book for you...they will all be delivered to saints in about a week so you will have to pick them up here.


i will be coming to saints tomorrow and not sunday. the kids will be one day late so will not be there sun morning. will have to get someone to show me how to order a book. what if one does not have a charge card how do you order it. jenn was still hoping for your e mail address have a few more things for the fundraiser to donate just bring them sat night or what. let me know.

colleen b

Hey All!

I just googled around and found some coupon codes if anyone wants to save a few bucks.

NEWBLURB for 20% off the first book
20PERCENTBLURB for 20% off a minimum $100 order
DISH for $3 off shipping

Just type the capital letters code into the promo code section when you are checking out. I used the NEWBLURB one cause I only ordered 1 book, but if you order more than one, the 20PERCENTBLURB is probably best. Hope they work!


Wow! I just ordered 3 copies - 2 for gifts! I am so happy you did this Carol. Thank you.. See you tomorrow night!

francesca Wilson

Just ordered a copy - i will be placing it where everyone can see it.
Thank you Carol


Oh my, wonderful. Thank you so much! And, what a great way to educate people on the plight of animals. They are not to be discarded!
Absolutley beautifully done!!!!
Awesome job!!!!


probably bra-less but if i can find any knickers, i will for sure be wearing them!

hah! better yet..instead of me signing it..let one of the stars stick a muddy foot print on mystic!


ah lexie...the very best dog EVER! none of the photo's i had were book quailty...there are so many... that never made it into this book...maybe i will do a no photo book one day, just for those guys.

Bunny Horne

SOLD - I just ordered 2 copies. I LOVE IT. You did a great job. If it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, I would love it if you could sign my book when it arrives.
See you tomorrow night for pub night. Will you be braless and knickerless?


Absolutely beautiful and had me in tears the whole way through. What about Lexie?