Rescue Journal

quick updates cuz then i am going to bed!

Carol  ·  Mar. 28, 2011

crosby the turkey arrives tomorrow.
floyds new duck area is virtually complete..if i have time before work tomorrow, i will move him in..but i have to settle the turkey and do a feed run first.

new incoming...saints welcome "mushmellow" (who is now going to be marvin the marvel cat cuz i ain't calling no cat "mushy...i would rather die!...marvy i can handle,) he is a very sick cat with a horrible mouth, he is in agony right now. the vets have already seen him and he is booked for surgey first thing thursday morning. and in the meantime, he has pretty good meds to help him be comfortable for the next couple of days.

we also welcome "tyke"...a very sweet and cute 5 year old little hairy thing who was about to get nuked for fussing and whining at night. he has a bit of an anxiety thing going on but once he remembers how to be a real dog again, he will be absolutely fine! one of the nurses i work with had spoken to me about him last year...he was her elderly neighbors dog who was having some difficulties with him. it all hit a crises this weekend and the owner was looking to book his euthanization asap so in a panic she called me and asked if we could take him....i really got to stop talking to folks about problem dogs!

blue is absolutely fascinated by him...not sure if it is because he is a new guy or if blue thinks he might be a mini-sheep.

i am still pondering that horse tonight...i spoke with the owner...she is very clear...thursday morning the horse has to be out of there as she is moving and downsizing her numbers. i believe she is somehow involved in the racing industry but am not 100% sure.she said if she isn't out, she will have to call the meat guy, she won't have a there is another horse that might be at risk too but she is hoping that greener pastures will have room for the one, altho she hadn't heard back from them yet.

i am just sick about this. i know what i should do...not that means much of is not what i should is what i might do that really worries me.
her name is something? red dixie something? i can't remember the whole freaking thing....the other horse's name is jane....for some reason that plain simple name hurts....oh. yeah..maybe because it is my middle name!



hey lynne i boycotted that store soon as they started selling pets (about 2 months ago). valley feed bag in the mission hills mall has the same frequent buyer program, similar prices and no pets for sale.


oh my god i drove by mr pets today and they have a huge sign hanging outside their store. baby chicks for sale preorder before april 21. great more animals for easter and how many of them will be around after that for very long. i usually hear of bunny rabbits but what on earth would you do with baby chicks and why. i am seriously thinking of not buying anything at that store. they have all sorts of baby cats, hamsters, etc/

Carol Ann

on a more pleasont note Sweetie got groomed today she looks so cute. It was necessary to see where all her growths are. she seems to feel better too-- Harold felt so much better after his day that i figured sweetie needed the same thing :)


relax...the mortgage comes out as soon as my paycheque goes in..homelessness is not an option.


yes its true I feel panic because I can only visualize you being old poor homeless and bankrupt! and it is terrifying me.


Carol, please check your schedule and get back to me with a date for lunch.

Still looking for the pics of our chicks that went to live with Roni.

Carol Ann

Nuke a 5 yr old dog now cause of a little whining. They should live with my lab for a while or phoebe and then they would know what annoying is. You just have to love them and fix the problems as best you can. I truly hope those horses can be saved but Jenn is right where could you fit them in? SO SAD! wish I could have them.


Please mom I know you want to help but I urge you to consider the finanical and physical contraints SAINTS in under right now--we are maxed out in terms of space for the big barn guys and without gaining more monthly support and donors, SAINTS cannot afford to take on the commitment of caring for another serior horse. I think your estimate of $1000 a month is regardless of their vet care and medications. Please be cautious and have an eye for the long term future please.