i woke up with the beginnings of a migraine and the start of a bad back...
Carol · Apr 6, 2011
sigh..just have to get thru today, then i am on 4 days off.
mystic finally perked up again last night...she and mini-me had a good hour long rumble at bedtime which they both thoroughly enjoyed.
i didn't notice last night that there were a bunch of sheets left within sherlocks reach..i noticed them this morning when i can't bend over and do the tug of sheet war with him to do anything about them...oh well...looks like he ripped them to shit anyway...too late to be saving the sheets. man..i cannot wait til he can be free, 3 months of confinement is really hard on any puppy.
i am taking molly in tomorrow for the vet to look again at her leg tumor..it has doubled in size over the past couple of weeks. i think something needs to be done....given her current good physical/mental condition, i would have the thing removed, she is not even close to being ready to end her life yet...but it is her age that is stopping me...at 20 years old undergoing surgery??...where is that damn crystal ball?
there are a bunch of senior animals..both cats and dogs about to get dumped for various reasons in the emails...2 are younger healthy senior cats that none of the rescue groups have room for but are asking for help with from someone...and the dog is a senior midsized fuzzy black model who a rescue related person is trying to help before she gets dumped on the spca...apparently time is running out and life is about to get pretty tough for all three.
if anyone knows anyone who might have room..i have the contact info to pass on.
and to answer previously posted questions...soory if i missed any!
hi zoe..call the clinic if wilma is still acting weird and see what they say...they may want her for a full curve or just a pop in blood sugar check and there is insulin for her here.
and hi bridgette,,open tours every weekend 11 am sat and sun, no appointment needed..or the big open house weekend is the 25/26th of june. see you soon.
well if i can convince both angus and tyke to each give up the foot they both are using as a pillow..i should take my 2 feet, broken back and sore head off to work i suppose.
thanks, Carol. :-) i'm writing it down so i don't forget.