i have been feeling guilty about him again...he is getting so old...he is lonely, he wants us to spend more time with him (lately...he wants a lot of time!)..he is getting needy. so i finally decided to bite the bullet and take him back to my family last night.
we had the board meeting at the house so i was there for several hours while he toddled around and re-aquainted himself.
i called jenn to see how he was doing this morning and she said..
"well...i am bleeding already."
i guess frodo's bad mood started in the middle of the night and when she walked past him at 2 am, he nailed her. i asked if she had cleaned it up well. jenn said "no...he was between me and the bathroom and i wasn't about to walk past him again....hello?..we have an asshole in the house."
while i was talking on the phone to her this morning, i asked..how was he now?
jenn said.."his tail is wagging back and forth..this isn't a good sign, is it?"
i said give him something to eat to distract him..jenn said she already did.
i said "well you can bring him home if you want." but she doesn't have his carrier cuz i brought him without one (frodo rides around in the car without a carrrier cuz he likes going for car rides.) and jenn said she is not letting him loose in her car in case he is still pissed off and attacks her.
hah. you just gotta love frodo..i might have to go in and get him today..apparently he does not like me making important life choices for him.
DOH! Jenn has it exact, of course. i should read the comments before i write.