
Events to benefit SAINTS: Plants and Plays

Jenn  ·  Apr 27, 2011

PLANTS: The Annual Plant Sale is happening the next 2 weekends in Mission at 35965 4th Ave. The HUGE selection of plants will amaze you! ALL PROCEEDS from this fantastic fundraiser will be equally divided between three charities: Elizabeth’s Wildlife Center, Fraser Valley Humane Society and S.A.I.N.T.S. (Senior Animals in Need Today Society)


PLAYS: A Night of theater to benefit SAINTS. Opening Nite theatre will be donating 50% of the proceeds from their opening night ticket sales and collecting donations for SAINTS at all shows. Opening night is Friday May 6 and two of our very own saints crew: Renee and Ryan are actors in the show! Tickets can be purchased at Murdoch's Book Store or opening night at the theatre (if there are any left). Please consider also bringing an item from the SAINTS wish list for donation.




pre-order your baskets then pick up at the sale
phone 604-826-3290 or email


can you order the baskets before the sale and pick them up at the plant sale, or order them at the sale and pick them up thereafter?


Cheryl K

My girlfriend Deb and I are heading out on Saturday morning..5 baskets ordered between us..last years turned out great..hopefully this years won't damn well freeze before spring arrives here at the lower mainland. I'd advise keeping them close to your house for a bit until the weather warms up as they won't thrive...wall heat helps somewhat..


we will need a couple of volunteers to man the saints info table the night of the 6th. it would also be good to promote this to our friends, family and contacts and see if we can pack the house on opening night!

i think it is beyond cool that both renee and ryan are in this play. i will be there to cheer them on...anyone want to join me...we can make it a saints group night out.


how cool is that..Renee & Ryan in this play..perhaps one day we'll be able to say I knew them when...

I am going to try to go to the Sunday may 15th matinee..

Wat to go you guys !!


I am definitely going to buy one this week-end ( and promise to water it all summer long ) the volunteers that were talking about theirs on the week-end.. Like how beautiful they are..reminded me how much I used to enjoy my flowers.