Rescue Journal

it is a beautiful morning and it will be a beautiful DRY day!

Carol  ·  Jun 5, 2011

so cherry has gone the way of all our our really frail, ancient and picky eater dogs...she is now getting microwaved dinners. so far shepherds pie is a big hit and yesterday and today pasta with meat sauce tickled her fancy, i bought a few to taste tempt her and see what she likes. far pretty much anything...i guess i better hit the grocery store and stock up on her own special frozen dinners.
while i will still eat meat occasionally when i am out, i quit buying it for my dinners here a long time shopping carts are by personal choice meat is called the lazy way to live with consuming less meat for requires no thought on my part, i just skip those parts of the grocery store.
but every once in a while a cherry or felix shows up and i need to quickly stock up the freezer. i guess i am grocery shopping sometime today and will again be visiting certain forbidden aisles of the store.

daisy IS walking and moving much better odd. she must have had some kind of head injury, (like being hit by a car or a stroke or seizure or maybe even a low blood sugar or dehydration, or septic infection event from being without food/water/medical care or whatever it was she so desperately needed)...that is righting itself over time as she builds herself up with good care again. lucky girl that CAC found her and took her right into the vets. anyway at her rate of improvement she should be pretty darn good pretty quick.

hah...phoebe is curled up in the small of my back in the computer chair...she thinks she is there for fulfilling her needs...but honestly she is a warm and comfy pillow support for my sore back this morning!
apparently we have a symbiotic relationship happening between us today.

geez! shane is an idiot..he just about nailed winter this morning with pee...good thing cats are fast at avoiding streams of urine aimed for their heads. he has got to quit lifting his leg on occupied saints rule..look BEFORE you lift your freaking leg to pee please! YIKES! ok..sidney is even more moronic...he just jumped up and laid down on the very same bed. now he is going to have a bath cuz he didn't look first before he chose that empty bed and i have to clean up a pee-soggy shitz-head who is not near as bright as a cat. are a total pain in the neck!



Carol: In regards to small picky eaters, Real Canadian Superstore has Michelina's frozen microwaveable dinners on for one dollar this week and there are some meatless choices as well as shepherds pie and pasta with meat sauce. I have found with my little picky 2 1/2 pound, 15 year old blind poodle that mixed cereal pablum, the kind with no milk in the mix, mashed up with canned food and warm water so it is soupy works.


LOL, I love the way many of your blogs posts are now ending with a reference to Shane peeing on someone - too funny.


i got my little guy to pee on 10 gal paint pail that i set on a towel in the kitchen when i was at work.shane may go for that ,if not you might have to paint a dog face on it.ha ha.also when he was sick i could get him to eat chicken breast that i cooked in a covered corning dish in the oven(add some water to keep moist).i bought the box for 25$ ,which would last him a a weeks(about 4 -5 pieces) worth made it easier,he was small(12lbs) so 1/2 a piece per was enough and it often stimulated his appetite enough he would eat some kibble too.he had an extremely sensitive digestive system and this never upset him.


LOL - Shane came over to see me yesterday and pissed right on my foot! :)