Rescue Journal

i get my best ideas at 6 am.

Carol  ·  Jun 8, 2011

every morning is the same..ok almost every morning...but this is the ideal morning we work for..the one that catches neurologically damaged daphne BEFORE her full bladder starts to leak.

the alarm goes off, and as i get out of bed...
daphne who has just lost the warm back she was curled up against... snuggles in deep under the covers.
i pull the covers back, dig her out and plop her down on the floor at my feet. she immediately trots around the big kingsized bed, cluelessly piddling as she goes, jumps up the 3 steps, (and with a quick dirty look at me for waking her up and making her cold,) goes back to her still warm spot, digging herself back under the covers. daphne's bladder is now safely empty. yay! she should be good now til the staff take her for her morning run and all i have to do now is quickly mop up the floor.

the mornings i hate is when her bladder is not quite full and the cold air, the forced trot and jumping the steps up, does not make her leak...cuz she will then eventually pee once she is again warm and happily sound asleep....those are the mornings that mean i will be changing my bed when i get home.

but even on the good mornings, like today when it all works out according to my pee emptying plan......chances are peluchi or mystic are going to wreck that still fresh and clean bed when they bring their mud in and start rolling around.

i should just ditch the bed altogether i think and sleep in a hammock at night. the dogs won't be able to get on it (not sure if i will be able too either) and there would be no more kingsized bedding to launder almost every day of the would be far easier to mop under there every day and for fergie to find his gawd damn toys!

why have i never thought of a trying a hammock to sleep in, when it could potentionally solve so many problems for me???? the only other thing i could ever think of sleeping in that might do the same was a coffin...and that was just too weird even for me.

sometimes first thing in the morning i am so close to brilliant it scares me.


Carol Ann

LOL Bunny but wouldn't a coffin be a bit confining? Also Carol would have to close the lid to block out
all the barking.

Bunny Horne

Carol, seriously a hammock??? You think your bed buddies won't spend their nights jumping and jumping and jumping trying to get in it with you? Or how about them barking at you all night long because you are unattainable. Or that they will gang up on you and spin the thing so that you are all tangled in it. And since Mystic eats all electronic devices you won't be able to call anyone to assist you. (what is Mystic's phone provider - is it FIDO? - I was just curious). I'm pretty sure that hammocks are great for people with bad backs and bad knees. NOT. I have a coffin in my bedroom and if you want to try it out Brent and I can bring it out for the AGM. Seriously - I have a coffin (movie prop) and you are welcome to borrow it.


ok well I hate to point out that a hammock is off the ground mother! haha

i am afraid of heights and NEVER do you know how many people i have seen with grevious injuries from falling even short distances? this babe sleeps and lives very close to the ground!


You could get one of those bunkbeds with a single on top and a three quarter size bed on the bottom. You could sleep safely out of reach on the tup bunk and all the bed buddies could sleep in the bottom with a plastic covered mattress.