the continuing saga of the shitz-heads pillow bed
Carol · Jun 20, 2011
so i sent a nice pillow bed over to the house from the shop today. renee was proactive and wrapped it in a tarp and then a nice fleece so it would not get ruined if someone (SHANE!!!) peed on it. but the shitzheads were not sleeping on no stinking tarp wrapped pillow that crinkled under their feet. they wanted the softy, silent jelly's!
ever one to indulge the spoiled rotters i took the tarp off so the bed was more to their liking.
chance is spending the night cuz he has ear surgery booked for tomorrow and his foster parents are working, i am pretty sure he will piss all over it anyway before shane gets to add his urine too. never know.... hope floats til it sinks...maybe the shitzheads will have a miracle and be able to maintain their new beloved bed pee-free.
silver is also for surgery tomorrow..she is having a dental done. pops and chewie are also tomorrow and sweetie pie's spay is for thursday and trevor is for xrays on thursday too and daisy goes in for her mammary tumor, dental and bladder stone removal on monday. then there is just monkey, yoda and jedi to book in at the vets for their needed tune ups too....gawd these guys are a series of never ending vet bills...someone please just shoot is no freaking wonder why we are so broke!
sweetie has been premanently removed from the house and all contact with the other dogs. she jumped tina on the run today..i pulled her off by her tail and gave her big shit before i dropped her down to the ground. 2 seconds later she was back on tina again. i obviously have made a huge (not) impression on her so enough is enough and she has had plenty of she can stay over in the office until if and when we find her a home. i am done dinking around with her, she is so typical pain in the ass and obnoxious jack russell jerkoid terrier. hopefully some JRT breed fan will adopt her...if not, she can decorate the office til the cows come home...and our cows haven't even ever left home so good luck sweetie waiting for that!
shaw cable was here today to shoot a segment on will probably air friday 500 or 530 (can't remember which)...3 hours of interviews and filming for a final cut and editted 2 and a half minute peice is just nutz!
puke..i better go make a dent in the 3 bins of laundry still left from we are sure going thru the linens around is the second biggest consequence of giving safe harbor to ancient pissers...the biggest is of course their freaking huge vet bills....and i would like to point out that with the postal strike...absolutely zilch, zero, nada, zip... in donations are coming thru...that REALLY SUCKS big time too.
the online donations are reaching us thank you...they are transferred directly into our banking snail mail needed.
jack has moved over to tuckers old spot for now...since he spends the day out in the barn, that area is really just for night for him anyhow.