i just got a call from the vets...carol anne rushed sweetie (foster sweetie, not meanie sweetie) in tonight as an emergency due to a sudden collapse. we have suspected for quite a while that she had cancer in her abdomen..colleen is running a PCV but she is pretty sure sweetie is bleeding out inside...i am so sorry carol anne and dionne..all of our positive thoughts are with you.
i know both you and colleen will decide what is best for her...big hugs.
i will update here when we know more.
sweetie has been euthanized..i am so sorry for your loss dionne and carol anne...but thank you so much for giving her a truly great and loving home near the end of her difficult life...her life with you is what she will cherish and remember.
Carol Ann and Dionne, may the sun shine on you again. She was so loved. Yvette