our very much loved molly was euthanized at 1pm today.
Carol · Jun 24, 2011
her leg tumor started bleeding last night..today she was tired and lethargic, not our usual perky girl. when mo and i took her into the vets, her gums were pale, her heart rate was 140...the vet felt she was also bleeding from a tumor inside.
molly has been with us since 2006. she epitamized growing old while staying young in her heart..and living fully even when she was supposed to be dying during the past year. molly had such heart and soul and she was the very best friend to many of us for such a long time.
molly lived well for over 20 years and for the last five she enriched all of our lives with her own special magic too...rest is sweet peace dear one, you were a truly great dog and we are so going to miss you.
Rest in peace, sweet Molly. I love you and will miss you.