Diana one of the SAINTS weekend warriors is also a volunteer for another wonderful rescue called the Alaskan malamute HELP League and they need our help!
Jenn · Jun. 26, 2011
RAPS (Richmond shelter 'pets and partners' for low cost spays and neuters) – currently #3 in the $25k category (2 winners) http://www.refresheverything.ca/petsandpartners
Wascally Wabbits – currently #5 in the $5k category (4 winners) http://www.refresheverything.ca/wabbitatforwascallywabbits
World Parrot Refuge (also housing 600 UVic rabbits) – currently #5 in the $25k category (2 winners). http://www.refresheverything.ca/helpfeedtherefugeparrots
Angels Animal Rescue Society (for a dogtown) - BC Interior - http://www.refresheverything.ca/angelsanimalrescue (going from 1st to 2nd daily in $100k category, only one winner)
LAPS (Langley Animal Protection Society) - currently in 3rd in the $100k category http://www.refresheverything.ca/helplapshelplangley
At www.refresheverything.ca/amhl
Please vote daily to help us win the funds to rescue Alaskan malamutes in Canada
2 votes here every day for all of those Just wish they could all move up a little it is frustrating