i couldn't stand it anymore...i can only be mean for so long. meanie sweetie is back in the house...but she brought a cage with her for when she can't be watched. she is so happy to return from her banishment..pain in the ass dogs are pains in the butt.
cash is home from the vets...her total bill was $860..could have been worse. her neck is quite swollen and she needs to be sryinge fed for now. she is not looking too happy, in fact she is totally freaked right out. the vet estimates her age at 7 or 8 years old..so maybe she will be lucky enough to someday find a really good home.
2 more adoptions from the open house...tasha and winter are going to live together in a very great home.
i am currently being responsible and icing my sore achy bones..that is my job for tonight,,ice the crap out everywhere that hurts and make it stop bringing me low!
daisy is in the vets for her dental, her spay, her mammary tumor removal and her bladder stone removals today....that is a ton of surgeries for that little broken babe. hopefully she will be home tomorrow and doing ok.
great story on tucker...but it was chilliwack animal control (not the spca this time around) that saved this truly great dog. jenn has an update too with photo's from tom and linda that she will post later.
man i am still totally bagged today!
YES!!! I'm so happy! That's Milton, Winter, Tasha... 3 off my list!!! My plan on waiting it out and taking the remainders is turning out wonderfully since I can't make decisions like that lol