Animal Updates

Take Me Home Tuesday (take 2): Sweetie Luv by U?

Jenn  ·  Jul 5, 2011

Ok lets try this again ... the video is now fixed :) and actually I like the new song, Accapella Marvin Gay "How Sweet it is" better then the previous song ("Sugar Pie Honey Bunch") I had for this video. So it was all for the better anyways :) Enjoy!

Sweetie is a 8-10 year old JRT, recently spayed. She is a lovely dog that loves people and gets along great with cats and large dogs but has a serious hate on for small dogs. She is also scared of house cleaning. She is looking for a home that understands that JRTs are intelligent and sensitive dogs and will treasure and love her for all the rest of her days.


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TO ADOPT Sweetie please email:

Can't adopt? you can also help by voting for S.A.I.N.T.S. Mission, BC Canada everyday in the new Petfinders shelter challenge that just started and is running until Sept 18. Last round we were just out of the money spot. Every vote counts, vote once a day every day for a chance for us to win a grant to help with our vet bills. Thanks for your support! vote here:
