
Gala Table Sponsorships

Jenn  ·  Jul 11, 2011

Last year was the first year we did table sponsorships at our gala. It was a huge success--raising over $5000. The sponsorship money allows us to cover the costs of the event and therefore all money raised in ticket sales, silent auction and sponsorship auction is money for SAINTS to help in the great work we do. Thank you to everyone who sponsored last year and I am hoping we can do even better this year!

Each table's centre pieces are dedicated solely to the sponsorships. Each table with have a three sided table topper. This table topper will be for the table sponsor. Designed and printed by Grand and Toy for us these are great quality and beautiful. The topper will say who the table is sponsored by and a one liner about why they support SAINTS. The sponsor can also email me up to 3 photos for the topper--a business logo, an animal, themselves for on the topper. A table can be sponsored by an individual, a business, a family, a group of friend ... etc. Table sponsors will also receive tax deductible receipts. In the center of the table topper will be a centre peice of curly willow with photos of the SAINTS' animals. Every saint will be at the event. These animals are also up for sponsorship for those that cannot afford a table or would like to sponsor a saint that is special to them. On the back of the photos will be the names of those that have sponsored that animal-- there is no set amount to sponsor an animal--really whatever you can afford but only donations over $25 will receive a tax receipt.

There are 19 tables for sponsorship and over 100 animals to sponsor ...

we have sold 5 table sponsorships already!

1. Dawn Gleadhill supports SAINTS because they help give dogs like Gracie a second chance.

2. Fancy Felines supports SAINTS because of their dedication to working with all senior and special needs animals PARTICULARLY the pain in the butt ones!

3. Dave and Kathy Kelm from Sierra Distributions

4. Sheila and Leila Kullar because SAINTS see the animals who come to them as individuals separate from humans that have their own unique privileges and liberties.

5. Pet Friendly Canada (

... only 14 left we can do it!

no animals sponsorships yet my hope is that every animal will be sponsored.

Here is my quick job at pasting together a visual of what is will kind of look like ... haha think of it as a picaso.


Please email to sponsor or buy tickets for this event.

you can pay via paypal or email a cheque for SAINTS to:
15570 58a avenue
Surrey BC


I also want to mention that Mae Donaldson, winner of the Maui Bow Wowie Raffle has decided to donate the trip back to SAINTS to use as a silent auction item at the Gala! Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets and helped us pay some of our outstanding vet bills and to Mae for generouslly donating her prize back to help us raise more money for our cause. I am sure all of our Gala guests will be eager to bid on this fab. 9 nights and 10 days accomodations at a beautiful Maui Condo.



Please remind people that the new Shelter Challenge has started. SAINTS has slipped to 2nd place.


oh sorry emma, ok Nudge can go on the nice list but Jenny Two (RIP) was definately on the naughty list ;)


Nudge is actually no longer labelled a "mega colon cat". Just lazy and tubby.


Ha ha! Theres no more meds shoved down the throat. She is no longer on Cisapride or Lactulose just has 1/2 a teaspoon of PEG powder in her wet food once or twice a day. It has no taste or odour so she has no clue it is in there. I read somewhere that long term use of Lactulose can cause hypercalcemia so I switched to using PEG powder instead and it works really really well. Cannot even remember the last time she was constipated. There are a few cats here and I know exactly which poo belongs to which cat. I am a master at monitoring poo! I don't even need to do it anymore but it became a habit. Still limit her dry food intake though.

RIP Jenny Two Sproule. I miss that little imp!


well...hmmm... emma...nudge was so a pain in the butt...sweet, sweet, sweet cat but shoving meds down her throat..peering at her litter box 100 times a day, praying for poop every day, freaking out when she didn't have one.... i was so glad when you adopted her and took over the responsibility for monitering have done a great job with her by the way!

and jenny? well...she might have been one of those ROYAL pain in the asses..i was quite glad when you took her home too!


Hey now! You can't put that about Nudge cos she is far from being a pain in the butt (although she is a mega-colon cat!). However ex-SAINT Jenny Two was a HUGE pain in the butt. Feline Fancies supports SAINTS because of their dedication to working with all senior and special needs animals PARTICULARLY the pain in the butt ones!


Hi Lisa the event is 6-9ish there will be a buffet dinner, multi media presentations, and silent and animals care plan sponsorship auction.


Hi, I'm interested in going to this event but am looking for additional information. I may be able to get a couple of other family members interested too if I can find out what time the event runs from & to and what the agenda for the evening is.


wow what an awsome thing for mae to do.vhowa sweet and generous is that.