here is the biggest difference between stupid puppies and a 152 pound older adult dog with a fully developed brain.
Carol · Sep. 2, 2011
as i head off to the bathroom, first thing this morning...benny follows close behind. when the hall gate closes, he carefully lays himself down on the soft pillow bed, in the space between squirt and bambi 1, to patiently wait for my return, without disturbing or crushing or even waking up...either one.
had those little brain-free maniacs been in would have gone more like this....i would have been tripping and falling as they leaped, bled, and stripped me...squirt and bambi would have been repeatedly run over by 16 sharp and shredding puppy paws, they would have thrown themselves at the gate and kept throwing themselves at it screaming til i came back so they could happily maul me and the little old dogs some more.
here is how they are viewed in shelters as folks wander down past the cages, considering each available dog...
look! a puppy...awwwwwww...i want one!
hmmm....he is a big guy...too big for my yard.
why do we all think puppies are so cute and sweet? we must be blind, stupid and crazy.... a 152 pound, tattered and used benny is way more cute and way more sweet and no one gets blooded, run over, crushed or stripped of their garments on their way to the bathroom in the morning.
so how come in our society those freaking nightmare on elm street puppies are so adoptable and a dog like benny, the gentle, fat and older giant is not?
i think it is because humans in general just aren't all that smart.
I agree give me an older dog any time. My lab who is now 3 has been and still is a total pain in the ass dog. She is worse than little Sweetie. lol