Rescue Journal

"of all of the things i have lost in my lifetime, the thing i miss most is my brain."

Carol  ·  Sept 8, 2011

i don't know who originally said that..(and honestly i don't particularly care) but i really like it cuz it is so true!

man we are full again...there are just too many bodies every where that i look. ok so they are great bodies, and good bodies, and sweet bodies, and kind bodies...but jeezuz batman in an overful ice cave...why the hell do they all have to be here?

saints needs to ....shit! what is that word? you know when stores and businesses sell off their name and someone opens a new mcdonalds that they bought the rights to?

oh...damn brain fart...i know that freaking word.

whatever...we need to clone out into different locations with different people in charge and responsible. then these animals will have somewhere to go...besides here.

we need an apprenticeship program..i teach folks how to do the saints thing and then they go off and do it somewhere.

we could have a saints in mission, a saints in idaho, dallas, manitoba, quebec and new mexico and where ever the heck there are old and wrecked animals without anywhere else to go....i'd be happy just to have a few more in the lower mainland...vancouver, surrey, chiilliwack and coquitlam.

sigh...i might be spending a lot of time this weekend standing around with my mouth wide open for all of that to fly in.

it is just that we have such nice animals...they are so great and i like them all so very much and ALL of them certainly deserved to keep happily living.... BUT.... there are far too many of them currently here!

AH! franchise..thats the word i was looking for!!!!

we need to franchise saints where all the very old, and very best, unwanted and wrecked animals in the world get to live!

homeless saints type animals could let their paws do the wallking thru the yellow pages to find the location closest to them!

sigh....i have such a great tree of ideas that will never bear actual fruit....looking around me at my last great idea..maybe this is sort of good?


Joelle Withers

I'd love to open up an Alberta chapter of SAINTS! It has long been a dream of mine to open a sanctuary for senior souls, of the canine kind! To have your knowledge and experience at hand would only ensure success!


I also agree this is a great idea - if we could figure out how to find new SAINTS locations, I'd be willing to help with one on Vancouver Island. Carol - you'd have to be able to offer classes or find some other way to train up new folks.


I think this is a VERY good idea! I would be honored to work on it, so let us know if you decide to do more about the concept or if you want some volunteers.

It's needed, necessary and I think it will work.

(So much for your missing brain!)