if i was a stupid person...
i would think...
that daphne ate my flip flops cuz she was laying in a pile of tiny rubber bits with her head resting on their larger remains.
if i was an even stupider person....
i would think....
that maybe daphne was in fact bravely trying to protect her mom's favorite flip flops from a rampaging rubber shredding beast.
but being a fairly practical person with no illusions about the inner workings of dogs brains...i am assuming daphne was simply innocently napping next to a certain chewing and quietly into ripping up rubber, puffy white, almost adult but not quite, mystical puppy....who currently likes chewing EVERYTHING...especially red leather couches and grey rubber flip flops!
shit and another pair of comfortable flip flops have been bitten into rubbery dust at the remains of a busy mystically cheerful chewing day.
way to go bunny///the animals thank you!!!