Rescue Journal

we have a free ticket available for the fundraiser on saturday night

Carol  ·  Sept 22, 2011

dawn has an extra one that is already paid for if someone would like to come. let me know..thx!
ok..the ticket is spoken for.



thank you Sheila just saw your message !!much appreciated!! cheers polly


HiSheila its ok i payed ' my daughter brought the money to Saints . thanks for your help tho''Polly


Hi Polly

If go to the front page - on the left hand side it will say donate (right under our animals). Click on the paypal button on the left hand side. It will give you two option - one if you are registered - and one if you are not.


You can pay for the ticket at the event. I will call you later. I am just running out to pick up a few items for the gala.


i am really sorry but for some reason i can't email any one for the last few days'' any one can call me & i will drop off my ticket money any where ? thanks i'am the pain in the cheersPolly


Hi there ! Only one ticket and i will pay for it '' please give the free ticket to some one ok !! thanks '' i don't have pay pal where can i drop off the money? please and thanks ..

Carol Ann

Erin the chickens don't care what shape the apples are in, even better if there are some bugs in the core lol so bring em all


Hi, Erin. I've got one of those long handled fruit pickers. You're welcome to borrow it. When I still had my apple tree I found between that and my tall step ladder I could reach most of the apples.


Not to be a pain - but just so it clear - is that one free ticket for friend and one that Polly is taking
or just one free ticket. I need that to be clear because we can't sell tickets at the door.


hi polly...looks like the free ticket is still available...we will leave it at the door for you.

glad dasha got a good home...lucky TG to have such great foster families for pain in the butt puppies!!!


Hello Polly

There are still tickets. You can purchase through Paypal by leaving a note or can pay for the ticket at the door. If you could email me at to confirm.



Carol is one still available for sat night ? i will pay for one for sure and maybe give the free one to other person? ok? i just wasn't sure i could make it till now ? i would love to go ..polly


im already taking advantage of a free ticket. did i say thank you for that? thanks carol! i have an apple tree that has finally decided to bear fruit...alot of it! problem is, its 20' high and when the apples hit the ground, alot of the time they bruise. should i cut them up, removing the soft spot or do the horses care? ive got 2 buckets to bring up if theyll be of use to someones digestive system.