buddy is a wanna-be hero...but i would prefer he minds his own business. unfortunately hero's come ready made.
Carol · Oct 23, 2011
first of all....thank you so much to everyone! with all of us together chipping in i think we raised just over $850 for the babes pig transport (we will put the extra towards the vet bills!) those lucky babes have so many really kind people in their little corner helping them to get to their new and so much improved happy lives...not bad for a couple of helpless babies who were living in an utter sludge pit a few weeks ago.
so on their very grateful behalf...thank you to constaple mead from the spca cruelty dept for getting them out of that hell hole and to the staff and volunteers at the spca shelter for caring for them and getting them safely to saints, ...thank you to janice from heartsonnoses pig sanctuary for finding a great home..thank you to brenda for GIVING them a great new home...thank you to stef and cheryl for offerring to undertake a very long journey and to rick for making the journey and moving them to their great new home and thank you to the saints staff, volunteers and supporters who all chipped in to help care for them and pay for their various needs ( including transport!!!) until they get to their brand new and forever home!!!
honestly...those two little pigs had a whole ARMY of fairy godmothers and fairy godfathers working together to help them out. it simply warms the cockles of this pig loving heart!!!!
laura took kristy home to foster...jerry bit her last week and laura while deeply loving jerry..has absolutely no intention of taking that dick-head home (she has too many little ones that he could bite too.) so instead she decided to wrap up his victim and get her away from the cranky beast so he doesn't get into trouble any more.
it is a good plan..but i think it work better all around if she brought her little previous sainted ones back here and just took jerry home instead!
speaking of dick heads....shane jumped minnie pearl today..he is utterly fed up with her bitchiness (can't say that i blame him...but...no jumping of bitchy crippled dogs at saints!) there were three people in the room and three in the doorway.... 6 bodies between shane and me... everyone was yelling "HEY!" i think our intention was to startle them into stopping.
too funny and good luck with that...both shane and minnie pearl are stone deaf. and it didn't help that buddy the "i can stop them fighting!!!" jumped in to try to stop them himself and he is deaf as a post as well.
anyway..i did manage to wade thru the bodies of helpful dogs and horrified people and grab shane and nail him to the freaking floor,....."BAD DOG!!!"
deaf or not...he heard me REALLY well.
"oh....ooops..." says shane....."i think i am in BIG trouble now."
and dear hero buddy was pretty damn pleased with himself for being so very helpful and brave!
(oh and minnie pearl is absolutely fine. she immediately put back on her very best "toast face" in hopes of treats from all of the people currently conveniently close to the fridge.)
lol mary...not a freaking chance in hell. load up time tomorrow morning is 0645 am....(before i go to work)....it will still be dark and there is no way the twin uncooperative baby 500 pound pig gong show i am expecting is making it to film, esp with me in it..and i better not end up with pig poop in my hair!!!!