Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Oct 29, 2011

charlie is still at the vets. apparently last night she spit up some frothy bloody today they did an xray to rule out pneumonia and lung cancer..which she is free from. the vet feels there is something underlying this all because she is far too sick despite treatment. anyway...we will see how she does up until monday and then see where we are.

joey was yelping again this morning with certain movements...pretty sure it is his neck upper shoulder region that is hurting him. he is better once the meds kick mid afternoon, he was feeling pretty good and playing with his toys. he has a vet appointment on monday to get a clearer idea of what exactly is his current problem.

oliver is still unstable with his insulin dose...he was 7.8 and then dropped down to 2.6 once his morning insulin kicked in despite another drop in his insulin dose. he also goes in on monday for a bloodsugar curve to see if we can stabilize his diabetes again. in the meantime i will drop him down another unit.
unstable diabetics are a pain in my head.

ed is doing ok. i had him out for a run in the upper field after i put the barn guys to bed. it took him like half an hour to finally wander back my way so i could leash him and take him back to the office...the rest of the time he was staying out of my reach. he is still a major pissaholic..i have never in my decades of rescue seen a dog able to water so many things, so many times over an extended walk. usually they eventually come up empty and then just fake it..ed doesn't have to fake one single drop. anyway..even if he is a champion pee'r he really is a nice (aloof) (stubborn) (self absorbed) dog.

everyone is shut down for the night now...just in case any more fireworks shatter their sense of safety tonight.

oh...and while i was waiting for ed to notice me..i heard this gawd awful racket approaching from the was a high flying flock of literally hundreds of was pretty cool watching them fly off towards the pink setting sun sky. i never saw a flock that large except for on tv so it was pretty cool even if they seemed to be missing any resemblence of flying in a real "V" looked more like a random squiggle pattern.



not to worry...we were fine. i hope sienna feels better soon! (what is she a 5 or 6 thousand dollar dog?..lucky her to have you!)


Sorry I could not make it out today Carol, I left a message on your cell. Sienna needed surgery today. She is home now. Sorry about Misty.