Rescue Journal

i so liking waking up at 6 am to....

Carol  ·  Nov 22, 2011

another barn fire alarm. thank goodness i found my missing phone yesterday before the fire dept. was called again. shot me out of bed and up on my feet and running, pretty damn fast.
ADT better get out here and fix whatever the problem is because a fire alarm that cries wolf becomes a real problem for we get charged big bucks if the fire dept. attends a false alarm..and...there will eventually be an automatic tendency to somewhat ignore a daily wolf calling barn fire alarm.

speaking of barns....mystic smells like one. she was laying on my pillows all fragrant like pepe le pew and that reminds me i better book her a spa appointment somewhere soon.

i spoke with angela last night...pig transport day is for this coming saturday. laura/ko are you guys available on short notice late afternoon/early evening if i am still working when charlotte and wills arrive? it will be good to get them home and settled again so we can put this whole woefully unsuccessful episode of farm pig re-homing behind us (and get charlotte the anti-pregnancy shot asap too!)
their new permanent area won't be ready by then...but since i have a workable and decent temporary housing plan in place..we can be set up and ready to go as soon as they actually arrive. is so time to quit dicking around with them reaching for fairy tales and just get them settled into the reality as permanent saints sanctuary animals so that all of us (the pigs included) can just move forward with our new pig saturated lives.

i do believe that one day soon...i will reluctantly be well on the road to rescued farm pig can't have 3000 pounds of the buggers literally banging around, all with their own unique personalities and special needs, and not gain some specialized knowledge...which quite frankly i do wish i wasn't going to need!

oh yay.... serious and big time pig education begins this week (i believe the course is several years long!)...sweet and easy going ellie was just the teaser to pique my interest and hone my deep respect for them, brad was the reality check...this might be a bit more difficult then i think...and now the charlotte and wills reality means i better learn a heck of a lot more if i want to do a good job with our suddenly much larger pig family....(in retrospect...just ellie was so freaking piece of cake easy!)

on-going education might be a good thing but sometimes having to actually do it kind of sucks....innocent ignorance looks good on some today.

oh well.... i will worry about my newest necessary long term learning curve on saturday (is this the chinese year of the pig? does anyone know???) i am just dealing with wolf calling fire alarms...oh and that tour and interview with BCNU..shit! i forgot that was today and it is pissing rain out there so that will suck for the tour....saints tours suck in the pouring down rain!



I'm going to catch the 6:30am ferry to make it back on the 12:30pm so we can have some daylight still - should be there by 4pm, see you all Sat! :)


Yes, I so think Saints could have it's own reality show...."The House at Pooh Corner", but omg Carol you are too funny...lipstick?...I only do chapstick...


yay to the pig home building!..and yay shelley for another video! (dress nice and put on some lipstick ko and don't want to look like hill billy hoggers....i think a couple of refined "fashionable ladies who jog with pigs" would look quite nice on film!)

i so should have been a film director!


I'd like to produce a new video just about the pigs of SAINTS. Perhaps I could do some shooting on Saturday when the kids come back?


Oh man sounds like an episode of "Hogs gone Wild".....:O.....were suppose to have better weather next you should have proper homes for them the end of next week....;)....;)


you just need a bowl of food and the ability to run ko and they will follow you where ever you want them to go!


Yes Carol, I will be able to help Laura with the arrival of Will and Char on sat. Maybe Laura has the powers of "the Pig Whisperer" within her and it will all go well!!!


lol..well thankfully we haven't had to rescue any dragons..that for sure would have posed a few more problems!

looking forward to seeing you colleen (and putting you back to work!!!)

thx laura!!!

colleen b

Can I tell you how excited I am to meet 3 new pigs this weekend? That's right, this is my weekend to visit :) Jenn, you probably already have the volunteer schedule done, but I will be there Saturday and Sunday to swing some mops around...if that's okay with everyone!

cheryl and stef

unfortunately it is the year of the dragon. good luck with charlotte and will.