when i was talkng about being a tree with deep roots anchoring me, it sounded like a good thing. who wouldn't want to entrust a homeless animal's happiness and wellbeing to someone who is consistently steadfast and strong enough to withstand life's various storms?
well that depends on each person involved current needs.
so when someone wants or needs rescue to be super strong, super responsible, super trustworthy, super caring, super honest and super ethical for the animals...those deep roots are super reassuring. but when for whatever reason, they suddenly need rescue to be super in tune to meeting a individual personal needs...(just this once mind you because they are special...) well..those roots suddenly become not just inconvenient but maybe even something evil and sinister.
yeah well ok..i get how perceptions can quickly mutate.
lets be blunt here...give me what i want and expect and you are amazing..but get in my way and now you are pissing me off and everything has changed. and those folks do not care about my very good reasons for needing to stay true to my roots which is to protect the animals at saints from a life without the benefit of deep roots.
it is those very roots folks that protects them, that stops them from living lives cast adrift in an ocean of humans. i make no judgements in rescue on the waves in life that that capsized the animals' previous boats..i am just making sure they are not capsized again.
statistics have shown that the average animal lives in at least 5 different homes in their lifetimes. someone should do a study on how many times actual rescued animals have been re-rescued. the re-rescuing could be from from folks who took them in and passed them on..either as actual rescue groups or joe public individuals. but these animals do live at risk for the rescue revolving door syndrome..in one door, out another, in some other door and back out again..over and over and over again.
and why is this?
mostly because we humans have a really bad habit of changing our minds.,,,today i want the very best for you but tomorrow i may well want what is best for me. and for some reason we are oblivious to this....i think. or maybe we are not so blind as we pretend..maybe that is why we re-write history to match our new reality about what we are wanting or needing today.
humans have got to be the least steadfast, least consistent species on the planet. we are like kids at a giant birthday party, running from one happy and fun seeking moment to the next. and when the party is over and it is time to clean up..we cry.
not because we are bad or lazy or spoiled rotten..we cry because we are tired, overwrought and overwhelmed at the mess we just made...so we beg off with a splitting headache or a suddenly remembered responsibility that we absolutely must meet and go home and have a nap til the next party invitation arrives.
and someone else steps in to clean up the left over and left behind party lives and gives them a good and consistently strong and well built treehouse to live in...one that won't eventually crap out on them.
but someone always tries to break into or remodel the treehouse to meet their personal current style ..some folks actually show up with chainsaws thinking the treehouse is an eye sore to them...since they did not build it themselves..(not that they have ever built a tree house before or have ever stuck their roots too far into the ground.)
but it always come from perceptions and perceptions change depending on our mood. one day the tree is beautiful and the next day it is blocking the view.
the tree faces the same risks as the animals it protects...except unlike animals which are easy to shift and move around..in and out of sight..the tree is immovable with its very deep roots and a pain in the ass to even try to push around.
sigh..i wish your average pet owning public was more like a tree..then the animals would have a whole forest of trees to protect them...intead of just a few well built rescue treehouses scattered thru out our human mountain of upside down and ever changing life.
Thanks so much Louise for the information. It is much appreciated.